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Posts posted by Frae

  1. Incubus - The first band that actually pulled me into rock music. It was all RnB and hip hop for me until I saw the "Pardon Me" music video

    AFI - I went to almost of of their concerts and even got a picture with Hunter, their bassist (I'll find it and post it).

    Bad Religion - my other big inspiration in my punk days.

    Malice Mizer - the first japanese band I ever heard. They will always be in my heart.

    Dir en Grey - the first japanese band that I obsessed over. It's funny b/c I didn't like them when I first heard them. The first song I think I heard was "Zan" maybe...I remember thinking this song is too heavy for my taste and sucks. "Cage" is what made me like them and then "Yokan" and then "I'll" and then I just started getting addicted to them. So "Zan" ended up being a favorite of mine as well just b/c it was their song. lol.

    the Gazette - I remember seeing "anata no kono no iochi" and just obsessing over this song sooo much. I would play this song like 7-8 times a day at college and most conversations went like this:

    Them: do you know what they are saying?

    Me: not really.

    Them: then why do you like it?

    Me: because its just sooo bad ass

    they were literally the first band that I blasted proudly and didn't give a crap about what people said about me not knowing japanese.

    aicle. - The weird rhythm patterns to their songs (especially in the early days) just intrigued me so much. My college friends hated this band b/c their songs to them were all over the place and they didn't like Emiru's voice...so when they frustrated me, this was my "revenge" band. lol

  2. I'll always have a spot in my heart for Gackt because I was introduced to visual kei by Malice Mizer during his era as the singer and that's when I fell in love with japanese music.

  3. Nega is probably the best thing to come from undercode since the graduation of 12012, vidoll, and phantasmagoria. I am glad they are back. Perestroika was a good side project for the band, but I'm glad they are going back to Nega.

  4. 情欲??アクメ - interesting sounding song but I have to wait a whole minute for ite actually to get to interesting parts? bah! VK whispering yeah! "welcome to something part"? NO. I enjoyed the guitars mostly in this song. 2/5

    Jesus -I love this song. Not inventive at all, but this is the high energy catchy stuff that made me like them in the first place. I can sing along to this song (or at least try. lol) 4/5

    二番目??女 - Lycaon jazz....burn it..die. EROS killed any chance of you doing this genre right and that's exactly what this is..an alternate version of that piece of shit...1/5 (for bassline like everyone says)

    I love sex. I love drugs. I love rock'n'roll - I like when he said "oh god" before the song kicked in. that totally got me into the song, but it does die after that hard opening...the verse was boring...pre - chorus I like the effects on the guitar...chorus..it's like he's begging for the sex. lol. Don't like it...it's not fun when they beg. You DEMAND THAT SHIT...sorry..went off topic....anyway. Guitar gets points with me. Solo rocked it for me. 3/5

    マリーゴールド - oh wow! surprised after that intro. Liked the first part but when the main riff kicked in, I lost interest. I like the drumming in this song though. 2.5/5

    Time Enough for Love - Another high energy song..."la la la la" I like the verse. Probably my favorite verse part on the whole mini and the wailing guitar in the pre chorus part is awesome. The actual chorus..at first I didn't like it, but it's growing on me so it's ok. I would say this is and Marigold are the most tightly constructed songs on the album. A decent ending to the mini. 4/5

    Overall, decent. I'll probably only keep like 2 songs on my computer from this that being Jesus and Time Enough for Love. lol. This is a good trasition release for Lycaon. By that I mean, they have their traditional sound on here such as Jesus and Time Enough for Love, but they also bring in different elements to show that they are looking to expand which is good. Unfortunately since the new ideas are still in infancy, the songs that they tried different things on aren't too good. I look forward to the next release though.

  5. They even started to steal from lynch. Compare SHADOWS to Before I Decay, it's just ridiculous.

    it's even more ridiculous that both of them stealed it from this band:


    The only problem that I have with this comparison is that there's no end in sight. As long as you keep going farther and farther back you can keep stating that "x band ripped x song off of y artist" because of similar construction to an earlier song. It's not as if song structure itself can be plagiarized so I don't understand why people keep saying the GazettE stole this from lynch. and they stole that from NoGoD. Search around, I'm sure a song before Saikou no Sekai used the same pattern, and then a song before that, and then a song before that. Claiming that's a ripoff is akin to saying that breakdowns in metalcore are all plagiarized from one another since they all sound the same.


    I agree sooo much and THANK YOU FOR SAYING THIS! especially when there are people who are here that make their own music. Sometimes, I can pin point what band influenced your song without even asking just b/c their is a similar riff or whatever. If it sounds good, it sounds good. AND THIS SONG SOUNDS GOOD SO FAR

    EDIT: In fact, I have done it myself with some instrumentals I made. One song I used a variation on Kagerou's "Lily" chorus part. My friends still thought it was good. It's very seldom to come up with a completely unique or creative idea now and days.

  6. Well L'arc en Ciel are back! Here's what I thought

    SEVENTH HEAVEN - OH GOD! BURN IT! Just no....no l'arc en ciel...no NO!

    Pretty Girl - Gives me a beach feel like I should be laying on the sand or playing volleyball while listening to this. For a poppy song like this, I like it especially the chorus. Strongest part of the song.

    My HEART DRAWS A DREAM - this song is just song beautiful! This is one of my favorite ballads of ALL TIME! So inspirational! I teared up the first time I heard this.

    Sunadokei - A decent song, but nothing really to memorable in this song. I think the chorus is just typical. Kind of pays respects to older L' arc en Ciel so that's a plus.

    Spiral - NOTHING BAD ABOUT THIS SONG! In fact, this is my favorite song on the whole CD! It immediately grabbed my attention and I listened to this song like 3 or 4 times before I moved on through the album.

    ALONE EN LA VIDA - Another song that seems to pay tribute to L' arc en Ciel's older style of music. It's ok.It seems like it's missing something to it though I don't know what.

    Daybreaker's Bell - mhmm. Daddy likey. First I just like the title of the song. Then that chorus. I just want to sing along to it. My friend heard it for the first time and he just immediately jumped on it. It just has a really good feel to it.

    Umibe- It's got a nice groove to it for a ballad. And then the guitars kick in. Second place to my heart draws a dream. But definitely a good song!

    The Black Rose - The piano through me off. Thought it was another ballad. Then it speeds up and then a heavy guitar comes in! They sound so menacing, but Hyde keeps it sounding sweet and sincere and then the song just takes off at the chorus! BRILLIANT!

    LINK - I'm not too big a fan on this song. But it's ok. Doesn't sound much different.

    Yuki no Ashiato - It puts me to sleep. Not like "this song is boring I'm going to go to sleep". It's like being rocked to sleep by your mother. It's just genuine and sweet.

    Hurry X-mas - I thought this wasn't going to be on the album!?!!? hmmm...aww well. My favorite christmas song of all time!

    Overall: 5/5! WAY TO COME BACK L'ARC EN CIEL IN A HUGE WAY! THIS IS BY FAR MY FAVORITE ALBUM NEXT TO SMILE! Each song no matter hard or soft has SOMETHING in it to pull you in (minus Seventh Heaven...let's just let that song die). My only wish is that they made another original song instead of putting Link on the album. But I'm happy with it over all! Definitely up there as one of the best releases for 2007!

  7. Here's my personal thoughts of Alpha

    ZERO - at some parts in the verses, Shou sounds like Hyde from L'arc en Ciel. But this is a great start to this album! And the solo is pretty damn cool too.

    Cosmic World - I skip this song everytime! Not to mention it's kind of a downer and very misleading song to hear after ZERO.

    Aoi Tori - I love this song! The chorus is very strong and catchy! This is the sound that I like from alice nine.

    JEWELS - I think it is an ok song. I probably wouldn't have gotten into it as much if I didn't see the video. I love the video.

    9th Revolver - At first, it was "Nothing special to me". But the more I listen, the more I love it. It's a perfect serene song and the chorus is beautiful.

    -Dice- The heaviest song on the album. At first it seems out of place until the chorus hits. This song seems to be a tribute to the older sound of alice nine. I'm thinking part Kowloon mixed with Yami ni Chiru Sakura. I like this song more and more as I listen to it.

    Number Six - I loved this song from jump! I love everything about it. Saga plays his bass awesomely! It's catchy and fun to listen to. I'm not a too big on poppy rock, but this is really an interesting song.

    Kousai - Not a fan at all. Another song that I started falling asleep to

    White Prayer - By far the best single from this album! THIS SONG IS JUST AMAZING! I can't get enough of it!

    Eraser - Feels like I'm listening to Cosmic World again sort of....don't like it.

    Blue Planet - Nothing too special about this song. Didn't like it when I first heard it and don't really care that much for it now.

    cradle to [alpha] - Hmmm..I would love to hear the whole album sound similar to this instrumental. I'm digging it.

    Overall 3.5/5 - I think alice nine. did ok. The problem I have with this is that I've felt like I've heard a lot of these songs before. 5 out of 12 are already released. The other songs seem like alternate versions of songs they did in the past. The ballads on this album seem to be lacking. I mean I was excited when I heard Ruri no Ame (in my opinion the best song on the TSUBASA single. AND TSUBASA the song itself seems like a reworking of White Prayer (listen to the verses) but anyway I'm off subject). I thought that was how good the ballads were going to be here, but they lack the "umph" factor and power of prior ballads. This is to me is not up to parr with Zekkei Iro. That album I just popped in and listened from beginning to end.

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