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Posts posted by Frae

  1. Rosario - I'm disappointed in this song. I haven't heard them do a song this chaotic and bad since Crimson Tear. Usually their chaotic songs come together nicely, but just no. Nothing to grab my attention. It's really sad when you have to watch the PV to actually make yourself listen to the song all the way through. Blah. 2/5 for effort

    SUicidal Rock City - Everyone has already said it "Vortex". Not even close to Gazette's "Vortex" as far as good sounding. Probably a fun fan song live, but nothing I'd care to listen to outside of a concert. 2/5

    Break the Silence - Nice, but once again doesn't hold my attention to long. It's not like I hate it, but I just feel like it's missing something I just can't think of what that something is. 3/5

    Overall: 2/5. I don't think I've gave an overall 2 before to anyone. If this is them getting back into their older style and getting away from all those anime style singles that they released, then it's a bad stat. However, I think of this as Sadie's Crimson Tear. Just another song they try to make overly heavy, but neglected to put some anchoring point in it to hold people.

  2. I came straight home from work and went right here hoping it was already up. I'm happy! Here are my first listen impressions:

    01. INFUSE INTO - eh. I don't really care for instrumentals. Dub Step though...hmm...

    02. VENOMOUS SPIDER'S WEB - very catchy track! Just the type of energy needed to kick the CD off. Chorus is kind of weak though. 3/5

    03. SLUDGY CULT - Lost interest after about a minute in 1/2. It basically repeats itself from there. I like the chorus better in this song though. Probably a track won't stick with me too long to be honest. Only thing fun to me about this song is the chorus. 2.5/5

    04. RED - Didn't really care for it as a single. I think they went back in and rerecorded this. The instrumentals seem to flow better together as if they re-leveled them or something. Other than that, nothing I could hear really too new. I like this song now for some reason though. 3.5/5

    05. THE SUICIDE CIRCUS - Was awe struck when I first heard it. After listening to it 5000 times, it's lost its effect, but I still love it. Especially that Linkin Park "Papercut" sounding part (listen to the end of "Papercut" then listen to around 1:00min on "Suicide Circus"). Really cool sounding song. 4/5

    06. SHIVER - Once again, some leveling things I believe. Unlike Red though, I'm still not a fan of this song. 2/5

    07. MY DEVIL ON THE BED - Yeah! Back to the new stuff! Awesome intro to this song. Very eerie sounding. Not sure how I feel about Ruki's vocals in this song are really weird to me. I don't think I like them too much. I do like the screams and the chorus is awesome! I HEAR LADIES AND I LOVE LADIES! Reita solo for bonus! Finally he gets to shine! :D ok...you won some points back just get rid of the first like minute of this song and I wouldn't have too much of a problem. 3/5

    08. UNTITLED - Probably the song I was most stoked to hear. I just love Gaze-ballads. The song picks up very nicely and the chorus is really beautiful. They never really fail me when making ballads. Probably will be on repeat awhile for me. The instrumentation isn't layered on like the other songs which helps Ruki really stand out beautifully. 4/5

    09. PLEDGE - Another beautiful ballad by Gazette. It's like their ultimate power ballad. lol. Just beautiful. Everything in this song sounds amazing. Gazette hit everything perfectly with this song. Can't think of a flaw with it. 5/5

    10. RUTHLESS DEED - What a great way to pick the album back up. The chorus surprised me. Didn't expect it at all and then that part at 2:10min. Cool switch up. Really like the guitar riffs in this song. 4.5/5

    11. PSYCHOPATH - Yeah my Discharge type song! Pretty cool. The chorus strikes me a little oddly, but it'll probably grow on me. Like the rapping part closer to the end of the song. It helped break up the repetitiveness. Lots going on. Not as straight forward as Discharge. Me likey better. 3.5/5

    12. VORTEX - Still love the pre-chorus part. Other than that...song is ok. "I don't wanna become the f***ing garbage like you" probably my favorite song lyric of theirs ever. 3/5

    13. TOMORROW NEVER DIES - An interesting poppy ending. A perfect blend of a fan oriented song ang the heavy gazette sound. Reminds me of a more upbeat nausea and shudder. Not too bad, but i felt like this didn't properly close out the album. still decent. 3.5/5

    14. OMEGA - another instrumental. i'll pass

    overall: 3.5/5. I'd say this is an improved stack rubbish. Just bring all the women back and we have ourselves a part II. I'm overall happy with the outcome of this album. The singles released were kind of the weak points of this album, but the other tracks were so strong and well composed that the single tracks didn't do anything to ruin the album. I'm not overly impressed with how this came out, but I will say that Gazette proves they aren't dead yet. They can still bust out some interesting compositions even if they draw some influence from their old material.

  3. I always think their PVs that come with the album are the best ones they do at the time. Like for DIM, I didn't like any of the promotional PVs really except for Invisible Wall. This is the same way. I haven't really liked any of the PVs for this album until this one.

  4. :swoons: oh gazette...you take my heart away....<3

    Favorites: The Suicide Circus, UNTITLED, Ruthless Deed, Psychopath

    I highly enjoy the intro and outro as well. The singles that have been released (Red, Pledge, Vortex), they seem to fit really well and actually don't seem so blah anymore.

    The album feels more energetic than DIM, but I think they'll probably be on par with each other. Too me, Gazette could release a whole sling of mediocre singles, but they never really disappoint me when it comes to their albums (and yes I liked Stacked Rubbish too)

  5. (i disagree this versatility issue everytime hits on my nerves

    i love oz the way they are

    i don't think they need to change.

    what the fuck do you want them to do

    to sing rap or something

    maybe you just don't like them . it's like people trying to change them to pop so they can like them.because now they can't.

    well i like them the way they are now.)

    lol no I wouldn't expect that extreme of rapping, but they should try to branch out into something new. It's one thing to play in a specific style, but when you get confused on what song is actually playing or you listen to a CD straight through and it all sounds like one continuous song, there is a problem. For example, the Gazette only seem to play in a specific style, but I've never confused one song for another one. For Oz, I've confused Filmy with Lead or with Detox or with parts of Pressed Flower, etc. etc. The last branching out they tried was when they made a PV for their ballad Rain Delay. It wasn't the fact it was a ballad. It was the fact that it was a ballad as a single which was a first for them.

    As for the topic, I like how the title track sounds. The other two songs are ok sounding, but probably will be forgotten in the shuffle of mp3s on my player.

  6. I don't go to the Gazette to be "original" anymore. They just know their sound so well that its great to listen to. That being said:

    Remember the Urge - Not too bad. Different from their latest batch of singles, but is kind of lacking the energy that songs such as Shiver and Red had behind them. Sounds like a fun song to play, but it feels it's missing something. I think the chorus is the main thing lacking to me. 3/5

    Clever Monkey - Ruki is totally my favorite laughing jrocker. lol. Once again, I don't go to Gazette for originality. This got me headbanging just as hard as "Headache Man" (and man did I have a headache...lol). Another song to go along with head bangers such as Headache Man and Discharge. Really fun to listen to. 4/5

    Chijou - not going to lie, came in expecting this song to be my favorite b/c the preview sounded so awesome. But...eh...not to happy with it. Found the heaviness unnecessary. The chorus was blah. I don't like the singing on this song to be honest. It just has no whats the word? he just sounds like he's just going through the motions and not actually feeling the song. 2.5/5

    Overall: 3/5. Another average single, but I did enjoy the B-sides more than the other singles released thus far. Not gonna lie...kinda happy this song isn't going to be on the album. It doesn't have enough energy to it to make it good enough. Still very much more enjoyable to listen to then their recent singles.

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