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Posts posted by visualkeigirl

  1. ^ Sweeney Todd and MSI FTW!

    Kagrra, - All

    Matenrou Opera - All

    D - All

    the GazettE - Most of it. I can live without some of their songs.

    Aicle. - All save like 4 tracks

    Malice Mizer - All from Gackt and Klaha.

    Mox Dix Mois - Juka era over Seth although I am liking Seth more.

    Non Japanese

    Oomph! - All

    Lafee- All

    Thousand Foot Krutch - Most

    Queen - All. How could you not love Queen?

    I love all of my music and would not have it, if I did not like it. I delete my American Music before I delete some of my International music.

  2. I'm going to have to say both Kagrra, and Matenrou Opera.

    Kagrra, for reasons that people have already stated.

    Matenrou Opera's Livejournal fanbase is really chill and they will help you with pretty much anything you need relating to the band[and sometimes other bands]. You don't find my delusional fans in here, although I am sure that there are some. There really isn't any drama between the fans, save a few things here and there. They are really just a chill bunch of people that are awesome to talk to.

    I am also going to have to agree with Arithmetica on the Megaromania LJ community.

  3. This whole post wins. Except for the GB part. Sorry.

    And I would have to disagree with your entire post. xD

    So it is all good

    And what's everyone's opinion here on Dir en grey? Do you think that they deserve their fame or that they're overrated? And don't think that I'll get pissed at you if you hate on them, I don't really give a fuck about shit like that. Everyone has their own opinion, so I won't bitch you out if you dislike/hate them.

    And also I hate that I have to say shit like that ^ because Dir en grey has such a stupid fandom.

    Personally I love Dir En Grey but I can not stand most of the fans. Either they are completely new to Diru or they have been listening to them since day one and they have sticks shoved so far up their asses. Granted, there are fans that are not like either one but it is hard to come across those fans.

    They have made their name through their music. And since they left the VK scene they have kept true to their own style. Imo they are a talented band and through many people might not like their style of music, they are still respected as musicians.

  4. Paradeis or how ever the fuck you spell it - The vocalist is just creepy and is badly in need of some singing lessons.

    L'arc En Ciel - Just no. I can not stand Hyde's vocals and they are over hyped anyways.

    X Japan - Just STOP already for fucks sake. Seriously. Enough is enough already. Besides I am sick and tired or people just knowing X Japan. There are more bands out there.

    Anything Yoshiki works on - See above. I'm also pissed that he is doing the music for the Golden Globes as well, they couldn't find someone else to do the music?

    Golden Bomber - While their pvs can sometimes be amusing, they freak me out. And I do not like the vocals at all.

    the GazettE/Dir En grey fans - While I am a fan of both Diru and GazE the fans piss me off to no end with how they act. And Heresy member can pull the sticks out of their asses.

    Most Visual Kei fans - While there are nice and respectful fans that actually listen to the bands for their music, most of the time you are dealing with teeny bopper weeaboos that think that are so cool for listening to something that is completely different. And only listen to it for the looks. Although, most of the ones that I have come across have switch to KPOP, thank god.

  5. I am glad that I was never that bad. I had my moments, but luckily I grew out of them.

    This is probably my worst though. A few halloweens ago I decided to dress up VK-ish. And I failed horribly now that I look back at it.


    Excuse the extremely dirty mirror.

    Close up of the make-up


    I also use to buy manga all the time when I was in high school, but they are all series that I continue to read and they are not sitting there collecting dust.

    I was also obsessed with Japan, but only the anime. That has now changed considering I am learning Japanese and studying the culture now.

    My Deviantart name is still Kakashisxgirl. Had it for like 4 years now.

    Thankfully I do not dress like that anymore. I do some of the make up now and again though.

  6. Well Kagrra disbanded because the members believed that they could not go further with their music and still sound good.

    And honestly, TOXIC was not that bad. Well, it was not their best, it was not the worst either. And I actually really like TOXIC. They are getting away from the VK scene pretty much and you can tell that with the past couple of outfits and looks. And normally when a band moves away from the VK scene their music tends to change a little bit. But GazE has always experimented with different types of music. And even with what they are putting out now for music, you can still tell that it is them.

  7. Toxic was no that bad Sai. When Vortex was released you could tell that they were starting to go in a different direction. But they are still GazettE and they have never kept to just one genre of music as well. Although, nothing will ever compare to DIM. That imo was their best album.

  8. People are just saying that because they have been experimenting with their sound again. Every time a change in their sound happens, the rumor starts back up.

    I have been following them for about 6 years now, so this really is nothing new for me lol.

    Thanks. I love Matenrou Opera. Your sig is lyrics from "Ain't afraid to die" by Diru, right?

  9. This has been going on for a while now. There is no truth to it, considering in interviews it has been said many times by the members that the only way that they will disband is if they start hate each other. And if this was true, there would have been a mention of it on their OHP or Ruki's twitter.

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