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Everything posted by CaRaN

  1. CaRaN

    I completely agree with you! I'd definitely go if they came to my country, or if it was in a better date because may sucks for me
  2. CaRaN

    ¡¡Gracias amigo!!! Thanks saisai!!! Yeah I had a great time with my family today =D Thank you, nostalgia.!!!! ^__^ Thank pinku!!! I did =) and yeah! You are no longer older than me hahaha Thanks a lot fitear!!!!
  3. CaRaN

    If they did that it would be super awesome. But we can't assume that just because it's on the setlist since the setlist was decided by fans on a poll in their official website. It's not like they played it because they wanted. Nevertheless it would be such a great idea, it's the only song from pinkuro that didn't get a new version and I personally love it. I was actually pretty glad to see I's on the setlist since it's the song I was voting for everyday hahaha
  4. CaRaN

    Setlist from 2013/03/02: 1.Astrovibes 2.[double] 3.three~ 4.CAUTiON -MC- 5.re;lily 6.selfish 7.BAd[to]Lip 8.Dream Cather -MC- 9.cryベイビィ 10.limpid 11.milky way 12.サクライロ 13.Rem. 14.trust -MC- 15.雨色ドロップ 16.I's 17.glitter 18.HATE 19.Pokerface -MC- 20.赤裸ラ Encore 1.geT Ready feat.正人 from CATFIST -MC- 2.Against I must say this is an awesome setlist!! They should do a DVD out of this (that's what I say whenever they do a oneman lol). I kinda miss Hoshi no kakera though.
  5. CaRaN

    Awww poor Yohio xDDD Never expected him to win anyway
  6. CaRaN

    Happy birthday, pinkmakona!!!! Have a really nice day!!!! You're older than me for 8 days >.< haha
  7. CaRaN

    i really like Hello and the Merry song!! I haven't listened to the other ones, but I know most of the bands though. 01. UNiTE. - Eniver 02. Super Junior - Miracle 03. Super Junior - Shake it up! 04. UNiTE. - Meaning 05. Royz - 春の夜の夢 06. Kameleo - How much? 07. Royz - Tear drop 08. the GazettE - 歪 09. xTRiPx - selfish 10. NEXX - capsule It seems like I can't get a varied list no matter how much I try lol. I think this was the hardest one to pick, I was doubting between the one I picked, selfish by xTRiPx and Meaning by UNiTE. I finally went for Super Junior but I consider the three songs in the same level of awesomeness and can't really say that any of them is better than the others.
  8. CaRaN

    I really like (or liked) giru, the other artists either I don't know them or I'm not into them (like DEG and emmurée) 01. Super Junior - SPY 02. Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas - Stray in Chaos 03. Super Junior - SHINING STAR 04. DOG inThePWO - Fun!Fun!Tomorrow!! 05. the GazettE - REGRET 06. the GazettE - ガンジスに紅い薔薇 07. UNiTE. - BadRequest 08 Super Junior - Gulliver 09. Paramore - Misery Business 10. ★NOハウス - 流星シュプール This was actually a tough decision since I really really love all the songs from the list lol. I had to go with DOG inThePWO since that song is completely awesome.
  9. CaRaN

    Oh I really like Avenged Sevenfold! I even went to see them live =D 01. THE KIDDIE - シュプレヒコール 02. the GazettE - 十四歳のナイフ 03. the GazettE - 蜷局 04. the GazettE - DRIPPING INSANITY 05. DaizyStripper - BLACK DROPPer 06. UNiTE. - 約束 07. THE KIDDIE - 5月5日 08. xTRiPx - I's 09. the GazettE - THE END 10. the GazettE - Psychedelic Heroine Seriously, what's wrong with the GazettE, it seems like I didn't have any other music in my iPod lol. Well my favorite from those songs is I's by xTRiPx. Wasn't really hard to pick since it's my favorite song of my favorite band, so yeah xD
  10. CaRaN

    Previews for all the tracks just got available to see! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHnXhsy-xus http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gUtZE-NyUs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFMLKzel0Q8 Imo that was pretty awesome! Really looking forward to the single
  11. I've been hooked on these songs for a few days now lol:
  12. CaRaN

    OH SHIT, it's the perfect month!!!!!! I'm definitely going if money doesn't stop me and if they come to my country!
  13. CaRaN

    You can hear 夢空 in the background, sounds really good!
  14. CaRaN

    Previews for the other songs of the single were uploaded too: And also this thing, i don't know what it is lol but it's supposed to be from the single: I really really liked Renai Chuudoku's preview And yeah, I pre-ordered both version a month ago or so, really looking forward to it
  15. CaRaN


    I don't know if they are gonna start over as indies, but yeah, I think they are gonna come back to their roots and do something like their first releases and I'd be so happy if they did something as awesome as TOKYO MUZiCAL HOTEL (I know this album is major, but it's one of my favorite albums ever xD)
  16. CaRaN

    I was hoping wrap around music to be in this single u.u anyways I'm sure those songs are gonna be awesome!
  17. CaRaN


    It was a pause. I don't know who will be their new management u.u
  18. CaRaN

    This is really bad news for my wallet lol Really looking forward to them though haha
  19. CaRaN

    What we can hear is nothing especial, but I'll have to wait for the full song because this is too short to judge. The PV seems a fun silly PV as always lol
  20. CaRaN

    DIE KUSSE: Best song in the single imo. When I first listened to it in youtube I though Sophia's vocals were annoying, but now I kinda like them in the song. The beggining was pretty good when all the instruments kick in and then tsuzuku says "eins zwei drei vier" and screams. I find this song catchy and Tsuzuku's vocals are pretty good in it. The solo was really great (this kinda thing are why MiA is my fav member of the band). VIOLET: I can't say this is a bad song. But either that it is anything special. I find this a little boring. Average vocals and nothing really stands out for me on the instruments side. I have to point out that I find Kouichi's bass slapping technique repetitive by now, but well it's ok. WANT: This is totally a song that could be fun at a live, but listening to it here... I don't like it. I can't point out anything from this song. I find it boring and simple. Score: | All in all I think this single is pretty forgettable and I don't see myself listening to it again besides the title track which I find great.
  21. CaRaN

    Loved dat shit
  22. This sucks!!! I hope they keep going on and don't disband anytime soon u.u I love them
  23. CaRaN

    I really love languages, I wish my parents had put me on a biligual school so now I could speak english u.u I'm learning Japanese atm (this is my 4th year studying it) and when I finish it (by finishing it i mean finishing at the school I'm learning it, which is a 5 year-long course, because one never ends studying this language lol) I'll really get serious with English. I think I should be studying something related to languages at college instead of what I'm doing but well.. xDD
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