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Everything posted by VkBrutaliaN

  1. VkBrutaliaN

    wow... ex VAN9ISH and ex PIGLOW in GLOOMY member = this!?!
  2. VkBrutaliaN

    only interested in LAY ABOUT WORLD but maybe the other artists will surprise me with some nice tune as well in case i'll end up buying it...
  3. VkBrutaliaN

    good for them - they make really great music so hopefully it helps to continue going strong!
  4. hell yea - their last 2 simultaneous releases were amazing so more by 'em is always welcome.
  5. VkBrutaliaN

    i already say it > BEST PV of 2019!! 8D song's pretty cool as well - only wish the vocalist didn't use that quite quiet mixed harsh autotuning at some minor parts but other than that pretty cool!
  6. VkBrutaliaN

    OMG so excited for this!! 8D although i am wondering if they'll do only live limited releases forever...
  7. VkBrutaliaN

    super excited to hear Azu from ZON in their forthcoming album - pretty sure he'll make some rapping or so.
  8. VkBrutaliaN

  9. VkBrutaliaN

    super excited to finally add something from GREGORY to my collection! ;D GREGORY – IN VAIN アザレア - サヨナラ。 まみれた - 粉砕するぞ! (Type A+B) まみれた - 俺を必要とする人はこの世の中に居ないよ (Type A+B) SARIGIA – ANOTHER PAIN DIERRY CALL - 「ジェネシス」 CANIVAL - 最終単独公演「CANIVALIZM」
  10. interesting that you mentioned it because for me i really like this stile of singing but the instrumental isn't really doing it for me here...
  11. VkBrutaliaN

    really liked the 2 releases i was able to obtain by them so far and this new look is really good as well.
  12. VkBrutaliaN

    ...strange that no one mentioned yet that Mia (ex MEJIBRAY) has a guest appearance in their new pv...
  13. VkBrutaliaN

    well i guess it depends on what makes a vocalist amazing to you of course but imo he had a sick af vocal range from all types of screams/growls, singing, rapping he could hold screams pretty long and on top of all it all sounded great cuz tomo has a super nice sounding voice which is at least definitely totally subjective. ;D
  14. VkBrutaliaN

    can't wait - their first 2 releases are absolutely great and with that single title i am even more excited what kind of song they'll deliver this time.
  15. today i reached another milestone within my Vk collection with 1000 CDs. 

    DAMN, a bit over 10 years of hardcore collecting! ~   ;D

    1. VkBrutaliaN


      thanks. ;D

      since i started listening to Vk it just keeps getting better and better without exception so there's still many CDs to come to make the collection grow even more in the future.

      although i'd say i have only room for about another maybe 1000-1500 CDs tops and then i am out of room again but luckily that means i should be at least safe for the next 8-10 years anyway... XD

    2. xriko


      welldone boi

      have you writed your collection somewhere? you should have pretty stuff 😛

    3. VkBrutaliaN


      @xriko i do actually have a list were i write everything down but its not 100% up to date since i changed from many word files to one big excel sheet and probably a lot of CDs i obrained within my first 1-2 years of being a Vk fan are missing in the list so its not very accurate... XD

    4. Show next comments  72 more
  16. VkBrutaliaN

    ヴィルシーナ - 依存 万鬼隊 - あやかし七変化
  17. love their look - just hope their new songs will be a bit more special once they release some more stuff cuz their first distributed single was good and catchy but nothing too innovative for all the mysteriousness... still quite excited to hear more from 'em.
  18. now i'm hyped for the full thing - sounds amazing so far!! 8D
  19. VkBrutaliaN

    thats a huge bummer! he was such an AMAZING vocalist, really hope he continues music and doesn't throw away his talent.
  20. VkBrutaliaN

    some stuff for the Riddick collection! ;D Riddick – 深淵に咲いた罵声 Riddick – ACT, 弐
  21. VkBrutaliaN

    MEIDARA - 鬼火 LebensEnde - 淡雪 HOLLOW SHADE – HOLLOW SHADE TRNTY D:CODE - [HELL]hound. (regular edition) and finally a new pair of speakers since the one I used the past 8 years were at least 15 years old… XD
  22. VkBrutaliaN

    sounds really good - i just wish they would finally give us a physical release to buy! and no i don't wan't their first minialbum cuz both of their songs since they became a Vk band are way better imo ~
  23. not Vk but i gotta mention them cuz holy shit they blew my mind when i found out about them yesterday. the band is "FEVER 333" and OMG their song BURN IT is AMAZING - super catchy, great lyrics and these 3 guys are so energetic live you really need to watch 'em on yt!



    1. Gesu


      Awesome! They kind of remind me of a more modern version of Rage Against The Machine.

  24. VkBrutaliaN

    DEXCORE – Brain Washing (regular edition) ゴシップ - 親愛なる鬼畜サイコ野郎(終身) アンドゥー - 安藤の雌豚-ドメスティック製法- (ltd. + reg. edition) Houts – L.blind 無能なルシッド - 「何も無い…何も無い…何も無い…」 breakin’ holiday – FANTASIA
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