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Wicked Teletubby

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Everything posted by Wicked Teletubby

  1. Wicked Teletubby

    yup, got it. thanks. and yes, they still use those background clips during lives. for example, paper lantern video for Kukoku No Kyouon.
  2. Wicked Teletubby

    what's live screen video anyway?
  3. a bubbly chap. think I get what you mean.
  4. Poems Of My Funeral. "aww me feeru pain, me dead." somehow all this near death shit of his is starting to annoy me.
  5. Ash Vs. Evil Dead trailer is AWESOME. this brings back warm memories.

  6. Wicked Teletubby

    wig off. still fab.
  7. Wicked Teletubby

    Shinya feeling fab.
  8. Wicked Teletubby

    just found this all girl act and wow they're good. dressing up as maids was a brilliant idea since it's one of the most popular sexual fantasy around the world so they'll definitely get some attention. looks like a nice alternative for those blaming BABYMETAL for not playing instruments. BAND-MAID are: Saiki - vocals Miku - guitar and back vocals Kanami Touno - guitar MISA - bass Akane Hirose - drums
  9. enjoying the silence.

  10. Wicked Teletubby

    yup. confirmed.
  11. Wicked Teletubby

  12. Wicked Teletubby

    looks like the band is to play a show with Jupiter in Mexico on Nov. 7th. thanks to abandonhopesp.tumblr.com
  13. Slipknot's self-titled album turns 16. ah, this brings back memories. TADA TADADA TADADA TADADADAA!!!

    1. Jigsaw9


      what a time to be alive!

    2. nick
    3. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      the best album ! all of their album are great, but this one is so epic !

  14. Wicked Teletubby

    some interesting minor details from day 1. http://a-pinkspider.tumblr.com/post/122610412036/curiosities-lunatic-fest-day-1
  15. Wicked Teletubby

    day 1 photo gallery. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.946740295368549.1073741829.113089348733652&type=3
  16. Wicked Teletubby

    hashtag said it was LADIES ROOM band.
  17. Wicked Teletubby

    http://kyotakumrau.tumblr.com/ says Die and Toshiya went onstage with LUNA SEA to play "Precious...". also a pic.
  18. Wicked Teletubby

    LUNATIC FEST. setlist: 01. And Zero 02. Sustain The Untruth 03. 激しさと、この胸の中で絡みついた灼熱の闇 / Hageshisa 04. 朔-Saku- 05. THE FINAL 06. 空谷の跫音 / Kukoku No Kyouon (with SUGIZO) 07. Un Deux 08. Revelation Of Mankind 09. 羅刹国 / Rasetsukoku
  19. Wicked Teletubby

    http://abandonhopesp.tumblr.com/post/122571019076 http://sandyefa.tumblr.com/post/122571318682
  20. Wicked Teletubby

    "... there’s some “never before seen footage” because it was decided not to initially release the full(-length) original content which is something they have changed their minds about now." as told by soshaku.tumblr.com
  21. Wicked Teletubby

    hope this may be considered official enough.
  22. Wicked Teletubby

    Touru and Shinya along with X Japan's Heath are planned to be guests on Toshi's performance at Lunatic Fest.
  23. Wicked Teletubby

    as Trombe mentioned, Kobayashi will do guest vocals. main vocal duties are on Die.
  24. Wicked Teletubby

    Die and Kobayashi Yuusuke will do vocals, Kashiyama Kei (MOON CHILD) plays drums.
  25. Wicked Teletubby

    I think we should stop making fun of it. this is dizrespectful.
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