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Everything posted by TetsuAkira

  1. ^ Lol at awkward picture. No more news on these guys? ;w;
  2. TetsuAkira

    I'm really enjoying this release. Can't tell if I like it as much as their last but it's a very solid effort. Love BELPHEGOR.
  3. TetsuAkira

    Woah, BELIAL's lyrics don't mess around.
  4. TetsuAkira


    Welcome aboard! Pretty sweet band taste. Enjoy the forums!
  5. TetsuAkira

    Shame, another band I've only recently got into.
  6. TetsuAkira

    Currently re-playing resident evil revelations 2. Don't like the episodic way it plays out, but it's a solid title in the series, for me.
  7. TetsuAkira

  8. TetsuAkira

    Glorious Fins.
  9. TetsuAkira

    Sushi! Not too brag but I'm pretty damn good at it. I make a crazy chicken pot pie too. (Loose your mind crazy). Oh and cheesecake. I love cooking
  10. TetsuAkira

    ^ No idea what these things are but i'm loving them
  11. Reminiscing with some Awoi

    1. Seimeisen


      Joining the アヲイ mourning hug. I was just listening to Blackhole earlier today. Intense!

    2. xriko


      Their Best track imv is renai shashin (deadman version)

    3. TetsuAkira


      ^ Good song, I love siren

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  12. TetsuAkira

    So unexpected, good stuff Suuu!
  13. Haha, wow. Impressive advertisement?
  14. Ok, still vaguely interested. Could be good.
  15. I used to have one of their older singles and I loved it. This sounds so different. Still sick, just different. Will be keeping an eye on them.
  16. Lead singer of geeks and School Food Punishment. Yes to those 2 pls.
  17. TetsuAkira

    Core the child - Live distributed singles 1 & 3
  18. TetsuAkira

    Awesome! Enjoy them feels.
  19. TetsuAkira

    Damn ghost. Looks intense.
  20. TetsuAkira

    ^ Dat chill.
  21. TetsuAkira

    Sweet, super interested to hear what this sounds like. Love this picture on the site.
  22. TetsuAkira

    This sexy so and so. Love Yuuki's hair.
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