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Status Replies posted by kyoisKILLINGME

  1. Resident Evil 6 or...Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City?? or both? :v

  2. Resident Evil 6 or...Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City?? or both? :v

  3. Resident Evil 6 or...Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City?? or both? :v

  4. Resident Evil 6 or...Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City?? or both? :v

  5. My copy of Lycaon's Shadow has been shipped~

  6. had a really good dream last night :D

  7. had a really good dream last night :D

  8. I just want to sleep all day.

  9. I just want to sleep all day.

  10. Can I just delete my tumblr? ugh.

  11. i don't know why but i suddenly feel annoyed...don't know why...

  12. Okay, I'm better.

  13. Getting the Divergence PV tomorrow so all the biatches can cream their panties XD

  14. decided that im gonna update the gallery again with random ass band pics :x

  15. The best message I got last night lol: omg if u oplad mjebray they wil dzband nd brek ^ 4-evr nd that will mak me sad!!!!!!! thy ar my bfav japan band (sry bd inglish xDDD) nd u need 2 RESPECT them by pay 400000 yen 4 a shity musiv bibeo bc they ARE aWeSoMe. such rude blohg

  16. Wow, getting tons of anon hate on tumblr just because I want to share music.

  17. Wow, getting tons of anon hate on tumblr just because I want to share music.

  18. Just saw `Gone Baby`by Fincher with Ben Affleck. Wow, crazy movie.

  19. Just saw `Gone Baby`by Fincher with Ben Affleck. Wow, crazy movie.

  20. Omg paradoxal and blackdoll, I hope you love the surprise I will be posting later xD Another rarity.

  21. My beloved dog passed away. I can't do anything except cry now.

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