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Dark Kinma

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Status Updates posted by Dark Kinma

  1. VivaletxPoltergeist Coupling single & Dvd avaible for oversea.... YATTA!!

  2. Watching Man of Steel with media player who listening Lustknot. is... enjoyable and disruptive !!

  3. We are The Shield of justice!

  4. We see King Lebron on the game 2 ! yeah and the comeback of the headband !

  5. Welcome in another Last.fm life... welcome in bug's life !

    1. yakihiko


      I don't changed mine too.

      I will continuous with this, until they force everybody to change.

    2. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      I think it's the "scrobbling program" who bug...

    3. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      plus they said "you listen this 2/3 times" at the same moment xD they stupid !

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  6. Welcome to the Dark Side of the Force !

    1. Tetora


      You were the chosen one Ryuujii! NOOOOOOOooooooooooo!!!

    2. - Hitori -

      - Hitori -

      Ryuujii, I'm your father!

  7. What program do you use for rip and cute dvd live to mp3 ?

  8. What's a Fucking live by LOKA !!

  9. where I can buy "PANIC in the BOX" release ?

  10. which get tired first ?

  11. who want play to "insurgency" ? I have 3 free code to share ^^

  12. Who will be in Japan last week of february ?

  13. Wrestlemania 31 is the best show I watch !

    1. Tetora


      Yeah it was so amazing. Favorite moments?

    2. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      fav moments, maybe the nwo against Dx clash, so old school. but All wrestle mania is epic. And for the second time french commentator were here (but I don't like them xD)

  14. YES ! Jack Caper ( ジャックケイパー) is on CDJ ^^ that's great =)

    1. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      First maxi single pre-order ^^

    2. Tetora
  15. グラムヘイズ-GlamHaze- Preview sound really good !

  16. リベラル-Liberal give me for free their 3rd&4th singles, they are so kind ^^

  17. 明る??Regret by LOCUS is a good song ^^

  18. 終??り??メロディ! *_*!

  19. Date for tatoo #9 is good ^^ !

  20. I miss Lustknot. :(

  21. I'm Back on Computer !

  22. it's the week end for me, two day with no work, so gooood ^^ !

  23. My order is sent ! CAN'T WAIT TO RECEIVE IT ^^ <3

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