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Dark Kinma

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Everything posted by Dark Kinma

  1. Dark Kinma

    Lustknot. – LIVING IN THIS MOMENT(Re-recording)
  2. Dark Kinma

    Lustknot. – 其れは名も無き同志に捧ぐたった一つの賛美歌
  3. This band is weird... they make single with para:noir song and when they have new song, they limit this on live xD
  4. Dark Kinma

    Lustknot. – VERONICA
  5. Dark Kinma

    Kazuya is the creator of Visual Kei
  6. Dark Kinma

    5type 5type 5type 5type 5type dedicated to the wrestler booker T ? ... that it's a bad joke by D.I.D...
  7. Dark Kinma

    Lustknot. – UNDER THE SHIT(Re-recording)
  8. Dark Kinma

    have a beautiful girl for avatar
  9. nice, this look remember me Madeth Gray'll ^^
  10. Dark Kinma

    (@Neon, you listen what you want ^^ you have the right to like what other think is shit ^^) Capella – Reminder
  11. Dark Kinma

    ^is try yo selling some interesting stuff
  12. Dark Kinma

    dieS – 分身
  13. Dark Kinma

    yes only EMS (but that the 1st choice of some webshop for ship oversea), I wasn't sure before see this tuto, the price is 2,100yen, I think is more attractive more than one cd.
  14. Dark Kinma

  15. Dark Kinma

    シンディケイト – HONESTY...
  16. Dark Kinma

    Who knows Neo Angelix web shop : http://shop.neoangelix.com/ would like know if they ship oversea, and in this case, how much are the shipping cost and how to use this shop. Thank's.
  17. Dark Kinma

    シンディケイト – TOKYO CITY GAME
  18. Dark Kinma

    シンディケイト – クエスチョン
  19. Dark Kinma

    シンディケイト – Candle Rain
  20. Dark Kinma

    nice and not expensive, ordinary it's around 6,000-8,000 yen it's cheap for a DVD.
  21. Dark Kinma

    django unchained : it's a tarantino movies, so is funny and mad, but he makes better movies in past year, I'm not totally satisfied by this, isn't bad, but isn't a blockbuster.
  22. Dark Kinma

    MALICE MIZER – 聖なる刻 永遠の祈り
  23. Dark Kinma

    shell for Nokia Lumia 620
  24. Dark Kinma

    nice, hope their future album will be better than the previous
  25. Dark Kinma

    MALICE MIZER – 記憶と空
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