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Dark Kinma

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Everything posted by Dark Kinma

  1. Dark Kinma

    nice, I have like their first single.
  2. Dark Kinma

    Monochrome Market does't be use for redirect to your personnal ebay profil or other....
  3. Dark Kinma

    I receive in 4days with air mail ^^ I think we doesn't need to pay more, for 1 day ^^
  4. Dark Kinma

    DIR EN GREY – 輪郭
  5. Dark Kinma

    Diavro – 刹那
  6. Dark Kinma

    Crack 6 – Loveless -TREASON Version- (I LOVE THIS SONG)
  7. Dark Kinma

    Crack 6 – Loveless -TREASON Version-
  8. Dark Kinma

    isn't the subject of topic, and I didn't need to be drunk to have fun, being drunk isn't fun, it's a sign of weakness.
  9. Dark Kinma

    It's a bad new. (and bad coment by nekichi xD again)
  10. Dark Kinma

    bad news, their last single is good. (drunk poeple disgust me ^^)
  11. Dark Kinma

    Dimmu Borgir – Det Nye Riket
  12. Dark Kinma

    Kazuya say the truth on this topic
  13. Dark Kinma

    Not a surprise even if he or his mother, but I don't think he corresponded to the group
  14. Dark Kinma

    Last Part http://youtu.be/9Sy8hr3CVcA Itunes Purchase http://youtu.be/K4GcPIpkDpA
  15. Dark Kinma

    10/10 The new gif is just perfect ^^ I love it
  16. Dark Kinma

    First part http://youtu.be/5F6I69w3wSA Second Part http://youtu.be/ZEzkpW0VPps
  17. Dark Kinma

    aha, guy's it's finished they are dead and no future after closing label.
  18. nice ^^, produced by hikari ^^ hope it's not a live limited single ^^
  19. Dark Kinma

    good luck for the future ^^
  20. if they can just stop music that will be great ^^
  21. Dark Kinma

    Awake – ギャラギャラ♂communication
  22. Dark Kinma

    Welcome here, have more fun.
  23. no help, no return, it's all over!

  24. Feedback: Purchased some flyers from klahasama. Have receive it in few day (4 exactly) all in good condition. It's a very good affairs. Come back for take other flyer.

  25. Dark Kinma

    (@Kazuya Tanizawa : yes xD when I was watching a Tv show)
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