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Dark Kinma

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Posts posted by Dark Kinma

  1. They are with deathtrap since their beginning, the first single is came out under deathtrap records.

    and ? I never say it's nice after release their first single xD.

    For me isn't a good label for them ^^ hope DeathTrap change their mind because they will be loose this band if they privileged "oshare" band.

  2. Two month is long, but nice to receive megaromania cd, Quintessence Voyage is my favorite cd. I think I has prefer receive this mini album rather than Lin cd, but I'm happy with what I receive naturally ^^.


    Hope you don't receive customs like me XD (35€)

  3. A best album I hope with a decent mastering, not like their previous album.

    Maybe I will take it because it's included their 3 last singles (I have like the two both before ReBirth), that's will be a good occasion for me to buy anything from them ^^

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