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Everything posted by atsudahiru

  1. atsudahiru

    Glad to hear news from them
  2. atsudahiru

    YES YES YES YES!!! I can't wait
  3. atsudahiru

    I hope they have sang they old stuff from DeG that is missing in VK, so much!
  4. atsudahiru

    And they keep with no releases ? hmmm
  5. major (re-)debut single ??? Were they major already ? Broke down to indie and major again ?? Like D ??
  6. atsudahiru

    I guess you know how I miss that time too.
  7. [CD] 1. Heavenly 2. Clarity 3. NEVER ENDING SNOW 4. Last Song... [DVD] 1.「Last Song...」MV
  8. Sorry but, If it was Dir en Grey nobody would ever complain about terrible screaming vocals. In my opinion they've improved a lot. It's a band that is still worthy to follow!
  9. atsudahiru

    It reminds me Shou's (A9) new band...
  10. atsudahiru

    Sou ? I wonder If he had already been in a band
  11. atsudahiru

    I waaaaaant this!
  12. atsudahiru

    Sui has an excellent voice!! However, some Phantasmagoria fans will agree with me that besides Kisaki and Riku being both mother f**kers, they really know how to make music together. They sound amazing together. And after that, try to overcome that is quite difficult. In my opinion, would be better bring Kisaki project with Sui on vocals than LIN.
  13. atsudahiru

    Does anybody have any news drom RIKU ? I really loved Phantasmagoria and loved to see him in Lin. But now I'm looking foward to see new stuff. Please
  14. Not a good thing to make a joke with
  15. PUTA QUE PARIU ♥ Just love that new visual!
  16. atsudahiru

    OMG! Thank you for the news!
  17. Just loved it! I couldn't barely recognize BAN
  18. atsudahiru

    Loooord.... I hope it doesnt affect ALDEBARAN much...
  19. atsudahiru

    It's different when you have a public that paid to see you
  20. atsudahiru

    If he's playing.. I hope AKI be part of ALDEBARAN. I really do!
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