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Everything posted by Valicious

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  5. Valicious

  6. Valicious

  7. Valicious

  8. Valicious

    Today, I would like to announce a new series for your consideration. Each week, RarezHut will be posting a video review in this thread. We thought a different format could shake things up a bit. They say "a picture is worth a thousand words", and I think that applies to sound as well. LATEST REVIEW FOR THE WEEK OF 07.22.2016 Visual Kei Madness! Rare demotapes and studio recordings Cool kids like and subscribe to our channel, you wanna be a cool kid right? Thank you to pairdog for the video. PAST REVIEWS 02.28.2016: Gill'e cadith - 自虐妄想クランベリー 02.28.2016: DIVINE GRACE - 妖精の城 03.06.2016: Togz's Visual Kei Haul -RarezHut Livestream January 2016 Edition 03.13.2016: 歌謡サスペンス激情 A Rare Look Inside Visual Kei #3 03.27.2016: Jigsaw's Visual Kei Haul - Livestream January 2016 04.03.2016: Mercuro - 断崖景色 A Rare Look Inside Visual Kei #4 06.14.2016: Drowning in Jrock CDs and Flyers Part 1 Malice Mizer, Dir en Grey, Luna Sea, Mejibray, and more 06.14.2016: Drowning in Jrock CDs and Flyers Part 2 Plastic Tree, Lycaon, GOSSIP, X Japan, La:Sadie's, and more 06.15.2016: Too many Jrock magazines! SHOXX, CURE, and more Part 1 06.15.2016: Too many Jrock magazines! SHOXX, CURE, and more Part 2 07.22.2016: Visual Kei Madness! Rare demotapes and studio recordings
  9. Does anyone actually read the RarezHut newsletter or watch our Youtube videos? I guess I'm trying not to get discouraged when Youtube analytics seems to show that nobody really cares.

    1. CAT5


      Don't get discouraged. Keep pushing on with the conviction that you KNOW you'll be successful. If you do that, people will inevitably be on board with you. Many already are.

    2. YuyoDrift


      I'm just lazy. Sorry.

    3. Lestat


      Don't really need to read it because it's repeated on Twitter, Facebook and here.

    4. Show next comments  96 more
  10. Valicious

  11. Valicious

  12. Valicious

  13. Valicious

  14. Valicious

  15. Valicious

  16. Valicious

    I think I may be opening myself up for spectacular failure by giving store credit for unwanted VK. This could backfire so very much.
  17. Valicious

  18. What do I do with all this music I don’t listen to any more? Collectors of music all encounter this problem eventually, regardless of genre. Open bookshelf space runs out, closets become full with boxes of CDs no longer enjoyed and yet the desire for new music- new sounds- marches on. If only there was way to convert your old CDs and tapes into the ones you want, whenever you want. By creating RarezHut Exchange, we aim to help you do just that. Simply make a list of the items you no longer want, submit it to us at [email protected], and receive store credit usable towards anything on RarezHut Store credit is awarded at 30% of item valuation* Until March 31st, get a 25% bonus to credit on everything you trade in!
  19. If only there was way to convert your old CDs and tapes into the ones you want, whenever you want. By creating RarezHut Exchange, we aim to help you do just that. http://rarezhut.net/rarezhut-exchange

  20. Valicious

  21. Valicious

  22. Valicious

  23. New details on March's stream have been added to the OP THE STREAM WHEREIN WE SELL ALL THE RAREZ Ever had too much to drink and made less-than-thought-out decisions? That's what every stream is like for us toward the end. This is the month of St. Patties Day though! Join us for our March Stream as we drink more than we probably should, open our vaults for you to pillage, and generally sell things with no regard to the fact they might be worth 5x the price we set. March12-13 and 19-20 at 11am MST/1pm EST/6pm GMT This stream will be our first time partnering with a bangya who spent the better part of a decade living in Tokyo and going to lives. She's entrusted over 90lbs/45kg of her collection for us to sell. Trust us when we say there is some mindblowing stuff in there that puts our rarez to shame. We will be not only posting a band list this time, but many specific releases as well. Gear up your wallets for not only CDs/DVDs/VHS/Tapes this time, but magazines and tour goods as well! For those of you joining us for the first time: During the stream, we'll allow people in the chat to buy items as they appear using our automated bidding system. There will be a starting price displayed on the stream for each item and if multiple people want the item then it'll go auction-style and they can bid up until someone caves and loses out on the rarez.​ Not just a band list, but a RELEASE LIST
  24. Valicious

  25. Valicious

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