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madygrain last won the day on September 20 2018

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About madygrain

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    All my post are written using predictive text
  • Birthday March 1

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    Hector, XA-VAT, NIGHTMARE, Penicillin, Metronome, Cali Gari, boogieman, mucc, STEREO C.K., JAKIGAN MEISTER, LSN, GOTCHAROCKA, Jikkendai Marmot, Versailles, Megamasso, Linked Horizon, BULL FIELD

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  1. People need to be calmer when they read. Commenting something doesn't necessairly imply a demand. "I would not do this" doesn't mean "Anyone shouldn't do this".  I think this is easier to understand than to make the opposite logic leap. Oh, well. So much for giving some advice.

    1. IGM_Oficial


      That's why madygrain said that "people need to be calmer when they read".

    2. Biopanda


      Honestly I thought the whole "you can only review things that were uploaded" used to be a rule here XD I remember some similar drama a few years ago where someone was reviewing something rare and after all the drama, I think the staff stepped in and shut it all down then created that rule. I guess it disappeared after a while though :P

    3. IGM_Oficial
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