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Posts posted by Slsr

  1. Lol no, is this thread joke? Scene will obviously "die" bit by bit if it will, 2010 to now is just way too short period for that. if it's "dead" now it was at least almost (or completely) "dead" 2010 too IMO. Now that said I don't rly even believe in such "dying", as it's mostly matter of personal opinion and taste. If vkei gets even more unpopular then it might die eventually but that's kinda different thing I guess :P.

  2. ^ completely disagreed, not saying it's bad still though (as I quite liked samples, especially from "R") but of course as fan such obvious change in music is something you need to get use to. Even still I don't think it's good for a band to stay put forever anyway so this might be good thing in the end on that regard too.

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