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Posts posted by Slsr

  1. If I have nothing to do/nowhere to go (which is too often really) I:

    - listen music/look for new music

    - watch TV-series

    - take nap, if I'm tired

    - surf in internet (like MH, last.fm, blogs, tumblr... or randomly)

    - look for possible concerts/other events to go to avoid boredom in future

    - Message with friends if someone is online

    - open shoutbox of MH (if it isn't open)

    - Read news from internetz

    - Shopping

    - Study

    - Play video games

  2. Vale,

    Vale, is still demo band, they released song "The armoury" for free in their OHP some time ago. Maybe someone has already heard from them since there are some plays in last.fm at least. There are some things I don't like this song, like how clean vocals are there for example but band doesn't sound all that bad really, might be kinda heavy for someone though.


  3. I see no pathletic messages here, gotta fix :| .

    A single guy, pathletic nolife, wouldn't be surprised if this continued sometime (eternity) at least. I'm kinda shy and not the most attractive or interesting person anyway, and using most of my time with my laptop won't help really... But I guess I've changed a bit more open and talkative lately at least, so maybe there's some small ray of light for me, who knows :Umno: .

  4. Piracy has it's good and bad points as already mentioned, I see it as a good thing so far, but hard to say if future generations will buy too much music anymore because of it, though there will very likely to be some laws and other stuff against piracy in future, which will make it harder to do...

    I actually think best way to promote band/artist currently would be to upload album really many popular sites where there is people who like such a music, if album is really good it's bound to get popular then. Would be especially good for band/artist recording small label or has no record deal at all. Still you first need this really good album that many people would like though, not done so easily :D.

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