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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by BloodRoses

  1. BloodRoses

    9/10 favorite pic ever x3
  2. BloodRoses

    a pink room with lots of posters of my favorite bands ^^
  3. BloodRoses

    no ;_____; i wish... like to sleep all day?( didn't i ask this already?? oh well lol xD)
  4. BloodRoses

    no x.x watch a really creepy video recently?
  5. BloodRoses

    NOOO dir en grey never dies!! >___
  6. BloodRoses

    No. and im not planing on having any... have a pet?
  7. BloodRoses

    i just notice i mess up...so i fixed it...
  8. BloodRoses

    that 2012 is crap nothing is ending just the calender....(i HOPE NOT!!)
  9. BloodRoses

    Burger and French Fries.
  10. BloodRoses

    ^ o_o a big nice house with a pool inside...
  11. BloodRoses

    yes. Likes to be online all day everyday?
  12. BloodRoses

    Current by Schwarz Stein
  13. BloodRoses

    if that happens i swear i'll bang my head the wall... but great news you guys are so negative... x.X
  14. BloodRoses

    aww i hope he gets better D:
  15. BloodRoses

    10/10 *-*
  16. BloodRoses

    Mac computer!! >__
  17. BloodRoses

    garlic chicken with Pasta and juice... xD
  18. BloodRoses

    it stills sucks that there disbanding.... T__T but i guess that's good news...
  19. BloodRoses

    yes. had a weird dream recently?
  20. BloodRoses

    aww those poor pigs!! ):
  21. BloodRoses

    OMG! This is the first Herpes post that's actually funny. Let us celebrate! OMG NO!! >-< EWW!!(but it's still funny...)
  22. BloodRoses

    o.o yes ^________^ text during class?
  23. BloodRoses

    NOOOooooo!!!!! )':
  24. BloodRoses

    yup xD like candy?
  25. BloodRoses

    9/10 cool looking avatar
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