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Posts posted by Gizorz

  1. While there might be truth in some, you should realize that a lot of the bad rumours come from butthurt fans who didn't manage to tsunagari them.

    And especially for indies, it's known that some bandmembers go on tanuki themselves to spread positive rumours about themselves.

    She gets most of her info from Tanuki and translates funny blogposts, but she's also a tsunagari herself (though she doesnt write much about those bands obviously).

  2. its just speculation, which is what everyone else in this thread is doing. Did you see me claiming it was fact anywhere? I know its a gossip board im not an idiot.

    nope. it is on their website.

    trombe are usually posting legit news.

    beside he posted the website links also on starter post.

    so, it's confirmed



    Translations: VOILA

    Eh... I wasn't talking about op though. I was talking about all the "Oh they must've disbanded because of....." talk.

  3. @ marc; i actually thougt they were great live...

    If anyone cares to know, accordingg to tanuki yuuki has been really sick again, hospital visits and such, and they think thats why they disbanded...

    But of course thats just rumours...

  4. for real, why botering to go abroad for a band like this? just like Guild and stuff, a band who hasnt released anything groundbreaking or awsome, just a cheap band to bring to europa to countries who get skipped by big bands.

    might have gone if they came to holland, but id rather save my money for awsome stuff like D & Maximum the Hormone coming up.

    i never understand those fangirls who have to see every single band that come, even when (like Guild) havent even released anything, so you cant be like: they make the best music ever!

    Ehm excuse you? I went abroad for Guild because I LOVE them and had known them for a while then. Just because you think they're crap and not worth it doesn't mean that goes for everyone and just because it's not as well known doesn't mean it's crap either. But I think we went over that a million times at vknl...

    Also guys, the Dutch concert didn't get cancelled. Kohaku just hadn't found a venue yet but everything is settled now. They'll play April 7th in Winston in Amsterdam.

  5. Setlist from Paris:

    I like this one most so far, hope they'll play this here in the netherlands too :3



    Bitter & Sweet




    Pressed flower

    flood bead

    Seventh Tier











  6. I completely agree with everything you wrote up there. Honestly, believe me if I tell you that I was no way planning on keeping our arms linked when the concert started, I just wanted to keep an eye on them until it started and in the end it was good that I did because I had to pull one of them out. But I know that keeping your arms linked during the show is really not done.

    Also, there's a difference between the accidental pushing that happens during a concert and what he was doing. He was intentionally trying to hurt us. He wasn't just trying to push past us. He was slamming into us with his full weight, dug his elbow into my neck, etc. That's just not done. It wasn't even possible for us to let him pass because we were already 4th row, and why would we even?

    The scratching wasn't even an act of revenge, I'd never sink that low, but it was just to make him get his arm away from there because it hurt like hell.

    He was just being a general asshole.

    And trust me, I'm not crybaby. I don't mind the pushing at all, I don't mind it if people try get in front of me or take my first row spot from me and I definitely don't mind the bruises and all. But this wasn't anything like that.

    Either way, it's my word against his. Or actually our word against his. And maybe what he told is honestly what he experienced, just like this is how I experienced it.

    I just wish I wouldn't keep reading everywhere I go about that bitch that scratched this guy for no reason, because that's not how I am :')

  7. I'm sorry for bringing this up again, but I kinda feel like i need to clear my name here.

    If It's about the London Show last August:

    There was a guy who was up front, got scratched by a fangirl and reprimanded her for that. Eventually she started pushing him more, he even got some little bleeding cuts, and then she started dragging all of her friends and fangirls into the dispute and nearly caused the guy, who hadn't done anything wrong, to be thrown out of the venue saying that had he started it.

    Security said he had to go to the balcony and wasn't allowed in the crowd downstairs anymore.

    I heard that Dir en grey isn't able to perform in Koko in London anymore because of those same fangirls. They'd been camping on the streets days before the concert and had left the whole venue trashed :s It looked crazy. (But that's just a rumor, don't know if they're not allowed to come anymore.)

    But that's as far as my encounters with fangirls go :P (And some kid that nearly wanted to kill me because I had touched her pink fluffy dress :P)

    I was standing with my friends when suddenly some guy appears behind us, who figured that the spot where we were standing was a nice place trough where he could try and move to the front. However, me and my friends had linked our arms together because they're small and I didn't wanna lose sight of them just yet, just in case they'd get squashed or something. So obviously he couldn't go trough.

    He then proceeded pushing and trashing against us trying to get to the front either way. Now I'm not crybaby and I don't mind pushing at lives really, but at some point he was seriously hurting me, I told him to stop which he obviously didn't. So in an attempt to make him stop i dug my nails into his arms. Maybe not the most polite thing to do, but it helped.

    At that point some girl at the first row had noticed what was going on, she started yelling at him, talking to us (I assume that they knew eachother...) and she started calling for security. They told him to cut it out, he didn't, they told him to go to teh back, I don't know what happened after that.

    I'm not even a huge dir en grey fan, lol...

  8. That Gackt video stays forever funny.

    Miyavi fell down the stage hard in Milan because fans pushed his foot from the fence accidently. It looked painful but I just couldn't help laughing really hard at him flailing his arms around while falling down.

    Also, Yuuki and Madoka stagediving... They were dropped a lot because the crowd couldn't hold them for some reason.

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