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Everything posted by Daggi_X

  1. slTxktzCEL0 PV Preview!
  2. Previews are up! Seems like this could be intersting... Download
  3. Daggi_X

    At least the confusion comes to an end... two Ayabie's were too much Now I wonder if Aoi's/彩冷??る-ayabie-'s album will still be released in January, even thoiugh he announced his hiatus.
  4. Daggi_X

    He's a decent singer imho so this album might be good. The AYABIE album will be better though judging from their new song.
  5. Daggi_X

    Pretty much the whole Final Fantasy and Zelda Series. The Phantasy Star Portable 2 OST was epic as well
  6. Amazing! I really keep my hopes up for an amazing album!
  7. Daggi_X

    I used to dislike that topic so much during my Abitur... That's the sole reason why I'm excited to listen to them lol
  8. Daggi_X

    All my favourite bands keep disbanding /losing members this year... Now Hi:BRiD as well? That sucks...
  9. Daggi_X

    Even though I'm sad to see them disband... I'm kinda excited to see how their new projects turn out. I loved the K.Y.-stuff...
  10. Daggi_X

    Since Aoi was taking steps towards a solo career, "Ayabie" have decided to continue without him. So Aoi, will pursue his solo career and the rest of the band will continue as a new band. Source: http://www.d-n-l.jp/
  11. Daggi_X

    Just to throw in some names as well: ???????(Irodori) - if you like Kiryu, you might also like them. Hi:BRiD - great band, maybe not THAT undervalued though ?? (Eve) - They don't have many releases yet, but they are definitely worth listening to ??????? (CindyKate) - Don't know if they're actually that undervalued, but they don't have many plays on last.fm. Some songs are actually really great.
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