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Everything posted by plastic_rainbow

  1. thinking of writing reviews from my rarezhut crate

  2. plastic_rainbow

    a release, YASSSS
  3. plastic_rainbow

    i re-translated those two lines. don't know if there's much of a wordplay but seems to make more sense now.
  4. plastic_rainbow

    @chemicalpicturesah, yeah i sorta figured that it'd be the name of live houses or something! thanks for telling me~ yeah, i felt this song was written strongly for the fans and the memories of xtripx altogether. ;u;
  5. Lyrics: Yoshito Music: xTRiPx Kanji source: peffy English: my verse... 10years ago I didn't know anything I remember now, the joy of singing I wish to erase your sadness with this song the song for you 10 years...time is just streaming frantically It's not easy to pierce through an unchanging faithful sound Before we realized it, our meeting came and went All things without fail become meaningful Constructing the present Everyday is complicated as always, worth a piece Let's share tomorrow and our friends we meet together Always facing forward, we overlooked the things we cherished No more mistakes, I decided change da words change da mind change da past I decided change da lie change da cry any verse, I just want some worthless freedom And head towards tomorrow without looking back Words looking for answers, piled up anxiety, extinguishable courage You knew, didn't you? Those feelings that were smoldering in the depths of our hearts Signs of connecting with you, will our voices reach you? The pleasant stop of flow I felt was a temporary delusion What would the current me say to the me who ran away? They say it'll bloom in the sunshine, I promised the eternal lily of the future Gliding everyday to the unwavering and rising desire any verse, I am blessed again with this dull freedom Join me without flapping your wings Words looking for answers, piled up anxiety, extinguishable courage You wished for it, didn't you? Even before, you knew all along from the depths of your heart A love connected to you, we'll go beyond our desires Standing up for the first time at SON, we painted a vast dream [1] I embraced those times the same as always With No limit, I'll infuse these Lyrics as they fall loose The meaning that points ahead On top of Be-1 logos and AREA where we climbed up [1] The heartbeats of our many friends are still live and beating my verse... 10years ago I didn't know anything I remember now, the joy of singing I wish to erase your sadness with this song the song for you any verse, I just want some worthless freedom And head towards tomorrow without looking back Words looking for answers, piled up anxiety, extinguishable courage You knew, didn't you? Those feelings that were smoldering in the depths of our hearts Signs of connecting with you, our voices will reach you ----------------------- Notes: [1] SON, Be-1 logos, and AREA all refer to the names of live houses they performed at. Translated by me, enjoy! ^^
  6. plastic_rainbow

    @karai · ebiah, thanks!! the past few years i've been really into retro anime and that lo-fi look in films/photography so i've been trying to recreate the same effect with a style of my own. ah yeah, using default assets is understandable when under time constraints. i personally think it's more fun and worthwhile working on something from scratch though~ ^^ here's a mesh render of the dagger model: the second model i made! i worked on this completely from scratch without tracing against a reference image and it took me longer than it should have lol......but i'm still familiarizing myself with the tools so i'm still going at a snails pace. (the texture paint looks kinda glitchy but i didn't want to mess with it anymore lol) mesh:
  7. plastic_rainbow

    welcome to MH! always nice to see long gone fans back to the community!! the youtube channel idea sounds very interesting. i'll be looking forward to it~ ^^
  8. plastic_rainbow

    ohh cooool!
  9. plastic_rainbow

    <33333 ;__;
  10. plastic_rainbow

    damn, this sounds awesome. can't wait to hear more!
  11. plastic_rainbow

    i thought the same
  12. plastic_rainbow

    tbh i'm just here for the aesthetics. too bad i still can't get past the vocals cuz that song was actually pretty decent. maybe it'll grow on me over time.
  13. plastic_rainbow

  14. plastic_rainbow

    happy to see that they're keeping the military look, they look stunning in them!
  15. a darker vibe this time? looking forward to it!
  16. plastic_rainbow

    wow, awesome stuff dude!! i love your horroresque-surreal style, and expressive brush strokes. keep up the awesome work! ^^
  17. plastic_rainbow

    i also started trying out the blender 3D program and here's my first 3D model ever!! i'm lowkey really proud of myself here's some of the process before the final outcome i can't wait to create more models! i'm now a step closer to realizing my dream of indie game developing~ but of course, i still have so much to learn!
  18. plastic_rainbow

    LONG TIME NO UPDATE!!!! here are some wips from the beginning of last year that i'll most likely never finish, unfortunately... i miss drawing so much and i hope to get back into the swing of things~
  19. plastic_rainbow

    all the people i like at work keep on leaving, although i can understand why with its shitty flexibility and random slow and busy times with little notice.......time for me to leave too
  20. plastic_rainbow

    sorry if i stare at you a lot it's just that you're either beautiful or you remind me a lot of someone i hadn't seen my cousin's brother-in-law since i was a kid and when i finally saw him again this past weekend i kept staring at him because he reminded me a lot of ken lloyd (vocalist of oblivion dust, fake?) and it took me a while to pinpoint who reminded me of at first....
  21. plastic_rainbow

    ^lmao they did it's good that he's improving
  22. they sound so much better without all the synths, i'm genuinely interested in this. the b-sides remind me of zip.er era.
  23. plastic_rainbow

    sounds really good, i can't wait!!
  24. plastic_rainbow

    they'll never catch me and my grapes!!!
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