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Posts posted by Erin

  1. Dress rlz. And I really hated Cry More. I reallyliked Toge, although it being repetitive. And Juggernaut was ok. So, not completely sure what to expect from this album.

  2. So it seems like Shimizuya is trying to make some money. Though I'm not surprised.

    Anyway, I agree with froggyman: Mio's song (the ones he composed) were completely badass, but with re:dis vocalist? Kind of... really odd. But still, looking forward to this.

    Though I don't know how the hell we're getting that single on TW if it's limited to 131 copies.

  3. But, Plastic Tree is not a shitty band that needs excuses to hide from record labels and management (D'espairsray lol), so I doubt there's much correlation.

    This. Though I would not be surprised if he is actually sick and producers taking advantage of that, so fans would 'desperately support' the band. Producers are some sick people.

  4. I kind of liked this song better before the full song. Now it sounds weird. Some parts just don't fit. But again, Tsunehito killed it (in the good way).

    Still looking up to Black Swan and Silver accorn bullet.

  5. The chorus is... weird. Though I still like the song. Kind of curious about how the album is going to be. Since they don't upload previews for the other songs, they might be fooling fans so they buy the album, and the rest of the songs be a bunch of generic crap. Who knows.

    But that sounds more like something Kisaki would do :domo:

  6. if they have 2 new members that make the band sound good, and for god's sake: THEY AVOID THE FUCKING AUTO-TUNE EVERY SINGLE SONG, I'll give them a try. But with hiatus and members leaving it will probably take a year before any new release by them.

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