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Posts posted by Fr@e

  1. Destiny-The Lovers- I loved the guitar work. It's just sooo fuckin' epic and watching the PV I really got an inspiring feeling. Like this song was really heart felt. I was never really a big Versailles fan, but this is a beautiful song. The intro threw me off b/c I thought it was going to be a ballad, but then BAM! explosion. Great energy behind this. Kamijo seems more raw sounding and emotional in this song which is the number one reason I enjoy this. 3.5/5

    Glowing Butterfly - Eh. Not a fan really except for the chorus. It really is beautiful instrumentally, but Kamijo does little for me in this song. What happen to the emotion of Destiny? Even something about the guitar solo is just bland. This song just doesn't stand out too much for me. Decent, but nothing I'd listen to more than 10 times. 3/5

    Libido - Grabbed my attention immediately. The intro is very impressive and it doesn't let go of my attention the whole time. Kamijo for some reason wounds weird to me in the first verse though. While not as emotional as Destiny, I like this song better b/c the instrumental is far more interesting and it is far more catchy. This song manages to be epic and still be incredibly fun to listen to. This song is just perfect to me. If you're not a fan of Versailles, this is definitely one song that would help you get into them. Beautiful. 5/5

    Overall: 4/5. I'm not a major fan of Versailles but man this was a really good release. For the most part, these songs were spot on. Interesting instrumentation. Great vocals. I really am speechless. I never thought I'd like a Versailles release this much...

  2. lol. PS Company wouldn't allow that. I love PS Company for doing what they do for your career, but man do they drive their artists to just keep pumping more and more songs out there. It's like they have in the contract you have to release a good 10-15 things within one year. The only exception to this like Kagrra, and Kra. But now I'm ranting so I'll stop...lol

  3. Heartz - Way better than that preview made it seem. I was truly shocked to be honest. Love the synths. Really cool sounding. Once again beautiful piano parts. I've always thought they did those well. Jin's screams are notably better though still far from the best. I found the chorus catchy, but kind of flat. It didn't bring the energy a chorus should. Hmmm...after that awesome sounding synth breakdown part, I feel like they could have just ended the song, but no they go on for another minute and it's nothing special. So basically this song would have been amazing if they cut this down to like 3 min or so and made a more interesting energetic chorus. Still like it though 3.5/5

    Mindless - Adding the female element always seems to please my ears. Girugamesh circa MUSIC era? ...only good. lol. I really enjoyed this song. Very catchy and probably the most different from Nega. Jin's singing in this song is actually really good. I felt a little dirty hearing him say "I need your body. I need your mind" lol. I enjoyed the scream parts in this song and the chorus was just fun to listen to. Nothing to epic, but definitely a great song. 4/5

    瞋????炎 - I like Jin's screams in this song too. I'm sorry for people who don't like them but I think they have gotten considerably better. I will say though that I'm starting to notice why when they do poppier chorus lines why they don't seem to 'take off'...Jin doesn't have a good range in his voice. It all sounds like a flat note to me. lol. Nothing special with this song. Just decent. Love the instrumental though. 3/5

    Overall 3/5. Like most people have said, a decent release. Nothing to epic. Nothing bad. I think it's worth buying though. I can't same if I prefer Nega to be honest. This is just a different style of VK for them and doesn't sound any worse or better than when they were Nega. I wouldn't mind hearing more of this though b/c I love synthy music.

  4. They never struck a cord with me until this release. I thought thier songs fell just a little shy. But this release was really great. Very catchy fun songs on here. This band is definitely going places :D

  5. I lol at Leda saying "equal strength" I can imagine the meeting for that.

    Leda: Yeah....so I basically shit on all of you with my guitar skills while you play standard instumentation and boring vocalization...

    Like seriously, Leda goes crazy on his guitar and everyone else just kind of fades in the background.

  6. I get what you all saying.

    I personally think that bands should evolve and try something new (in case of lycaon they tried something new for them which would be the jazzy thingy.) I did not say they just perfectly get it right, but I'm not disappointed. I would be if they just went on doing the same style over and over again. I like them a lot but it get's pretty boring in my eyes when bands are not able to change something.

    Totally obvious though, that I'm the only one thinking so.

    I can understand that someone who was really into the stuff before does not like it.

    well, let's see what comes with the next single.

    I don't think the problem is them trying something new. I think most of the problem we're having with this is that it's just came out really bad. For example, Girugamesh is trying something new with thier sound and whether you like it or not, its still done well. Instrumentation is good. Vocals are good. These songs from Lycaon lack that.

    oh yeah and black people are all really into rnb n shit

    what about black gay guys? ai. they just really have a special dick size!

    yeah I'm a black straight guy and I like rock music...

  7. I think it sounds ok... I think this is too light for Jin to pull off. What was that one song of thier album that I hated so much ...oH! "17歳??孤独". Jin can't pull off these really poppy songs. He doesn't sound good at all. I think he works well with thier heavy typical VK songs like Muddy Cult and Haunted Jealousy.

  8. Cry More - I respect this song for it's awkwardness. The beginning is a bit chaotic, but I think that what makes it so appealing. Best part of this song is definitely the pre chorus! Love how it is a clean transition from verses to chorus without sounding forced. 3/5

    Burst Zero - Usually I'm all over these hard songs, but I don't like this one. The verse sounds chaotic as fuck but not in a good way like Cry More. Chorus is ewww! HEY! HEY! HEY! HEY!....ewww....This song is quite possible the worse Saide song ever. A lot of it sounds forced together to make a hard song. Not good. 1/5

    little prayer - My favorite chorus line of the single though it sounded a bit wierd when I first heard it. I think its due to Mao though. I'm not use to him singing like this. Sounds like something that would be an opening for an anime. Kind of a different sound for Sadie. lots of piano play reminds me of like SUG "Dot..something?" Really cool pre chorus. Favorite song on the single. 4/5

    Overall: 3.5/5. Cry More has the energy of Greiving the Dead Soul which is one of my all time favorite Sadie songs. It's really fun to rock out to. Burst Zero is kind of a reminder that ol' heavy Sadie isn't gone though it is a poor attempt. But that song on the lines of the B-sides in Kagerou single..just bad. little prayer is a very solid song. Catchy but also distinct and interesting. Decent single. Definitely worth a buy.

  9. Inochi no Ki - This song is like decent. It's like the song you enjoy listening to if it came up while your itunes was shuffling through songs,but you would never actually click on it deliberately. Love the instrumental and the vocals, but very forgettable song. 3/5

    Endless Wings - Not to into this song too much. Why it has more of a pressence then the title track, it still is missing a certain factor I can't name it and I wasn't down with the chorus. It's blah. 2.5/5

    Vision - Probably the closest to their older music. I miss screams though. I think this is my favorite instrumental out of these songs and the chorus is wonderful too. But like all the other songs, very forgettable. 3/5

    Overall: 3/5. Forgettable. I'll probably delete it soon. I really don't have much to say on this, but Girugameshs are starting to lose my interest musically. It's not the fact that thier sound is now catchy pop, it's more so that the songs are missing any substance. At least the NOW album tried a lot of different ideas. But these songs are what a lot of musicians fall into: a set format for a song that'll have mainstream appeal.

  10. Am I the only one who thought about Lady Gaga when I saw the single covers?....anyway...

    RED- To me it sounds like a better version of Shiver. I enjoyed this song a lot better, but that's not saying much as I found shiver AND this song to both be less inspiring. Shiver had an excuse...it was an anime opening lol....RED doesn't! I will say this is the catchiest song on the single though. 2.5/5

    Vermin- I like this song. Throwback definitely. I don't like Ruki's singing too much in this song and the chorus doesn't do it for me at all. So first half of the song = fun, then I get sick of it as the 1st chorus. 3/5

    AN UNBEARABLE FACT - Like the intro and the solo and that's all I really remember of this song. Nothing inpressive. Nothing horrible. 3/5

    Overall: 3/5. Uninspiring and down right boring at parts. A step up above the Shiver single, but not much. Having enjoyed Stacked Rubbish, I see this next album being a BAD version of that album. None of the singles that have come out after DIM have done anything to really pull my ear and make me fall head over heels in love with Gazette like I use to be. They are still very talented musicians and always put together a solid song (the songs don't just sound sling together. They are tight), but I think they need to bring a little more originality and thought to thier songs.

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