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About seikun

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    Kyo's Mattress

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  1. That indies sound, that very one. We don't have it anymore.



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. reminiscing2004


      access to recording equipment and daw's has totally changed the game. i think so much of the 'old indie' sound has credit due to the last era of straightforward recording techniques, before drum triggers, melodyne, and softsynths became the new staples of record production.


      it hurts the most when i hear a new band who's got something interesting going on creatively, but its packaged in this gloss of fake drums, self-recorded and surgeon-ed production. atleast the cheap recordings of decades before had an essence of life and passion to them. maybe thats hopeless nostalgia....

    3. seikun


      Very interesting comments.


      I don't know the technicalities in this but I find something really endearing in this kind of sound quality.

    4. fitear1590


      Agreed with colorfuljinsei about the synthesizers. Don't get me wrong, I love when a band incorporates lush synths, but the majority of 2010s VK that uses synth always seem to resort to that grating, cheap sounding synth like this. Lots of bands (Royz, anfiel, LONDBOY, i.Rias, 0.1gの誤算, and maaaany more) are guilty of it and it's an immediate turn-off for me.

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