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Posts posted by LIDL

  1. this reminds me with one similiar situation with DeG before,

    if anyone remember, there was peoples that claiming having rarez by them

    but actually having wrongly tagged file called "Rebirth" that actually

    song by Eliphas Levi. That was pretty... frantic, at that time.

  2. i noticed there's we comic that you can download on the movie OHP in pdf file about the prelude of the film.

    Try to download it, peeps. On the link that said cobol something.

  3. wow... i was randomly reads the request thread posted by that bowwow person.

    and only remember champ have locked it and was posting so many "hmm's" that makes me giggles.

    didn't thought the impact would be this big.

    i remember one member on old tw.net that also named as shadowdio.

    and if my brain didn't fail me, that user was an active downloader among anyother activities on board.

    i suspect whoever that scrobbles such song might scrobbles any random song that have already get the file informations edited.

    that is not a hard thing to do right?

    with iTunes or any other media player, one could edit any song informations at ease.

    but one not fooling anybody but him/herself by doing so.

    that if the case it's never exist. which i believe it is,

    since byou say it is not exist.

  4. Alright, it's been awhile since i am hearing her new album, /\/\/\Y/\

    And i am not impressed.


    Here's why:

    poor production.

    She is different now, i mean the way she recording an album.

    Unlike here two previous albums, this time she seems just make an album that sells.

    to make a follow up for her paper planes fame in the US. too many garbage i find in here.

    To be fair, lyrically she is still brilliant but musically, hell no.

    some songs still had her signature sounds, but rest need to be forgotten quickly.

    since those even worst than paper planes. plain, boring, tasteless, vanilla music.

    no more twists, or big beats. Just rage rage rage. plain one.

    and she is not the best one that doing this kind of thing.

    its transition from the seething multicultural production stew of her first two albums, dropping baille funk and sub-continental rhythms for a pulsing factory aesthetic, makes it sound flatly grim and often willfully unpleasant.

    it makes me believe she is not the only brains behind her albums.

    But also Diplo, he is only did two song in this current album and that's why this album sounds out of directions.

    I still enjoyed nevertheless, but as much as i did with here previous two that ever so brilliant.

    xxxo, lovalot, meds and feds, teqilla and born free are the highlights from /\/\/\Y/\

    the rest i don't give a damn with.

    she can do better than this.

  5. Let's see how long it takes for the Dir en grey fans to scream "ripoff" at PLEDGE no matter what it ends up sounding like.
    hah.. Well i actually didn't think about that until you mention it :o

    perhaps i am not that fanatic to DeG so much anymore :P

    and, as for the Tokyo Dome. That's indeed a surprise.

    I wish i could attended in that one, wow congrats for them. Hope they can have a sold out show for Tokyo Dome!

  6. well, they've been disbanded now, but idiot should have been more popular.

    Since they brings brought us some good lulz.

    And, The Candy Spooky Theater too...

    but it might be hard for them, since their music are segmented.

    another one i wish could be more popular are Aural Vampire.

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