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Posts posted by *littlelamb

  1. Is it a problem not to be great on guitar? Do you really have to be Malmsteen or Petruchi to be able to write good songs?

    He's not a good guitarist, but what's more important than being a good guitarist? Being able to make good songs, something which a lot think he does.

    A lot of people are wrong then. But oh well, carry on.

  2. The things that pass for amazing these days...

    Anyways. I'm not sure what the purpose of Yoshiki rolling around on the ground in his thong is, but it's the stuff nightmares are made of.


  3. What a mess. What is with the Euro disco from hell? The ballads put me to sleep, yet were the least offensive thing on the album probably. I actually somewhat like 業, because it's sort of like Shibuya kei if Shibuya kei was boring. The jazz track was amusing, because of Tatsurou's English and the fact that it probably had the most emotion of all the tracks on the album. The following song didn't piss me off too bad either, though I had a little Rip Slyme flashback there at some point. Not sure if he said "funkastic" or "fantastic", but that was odd.

    But yeah, I think Tim Gunn has the general idea down.

  4. 『夜光??

    Limited Ed.


    1. 夜光

    2. ロストジェ??レーション replay

    -DVD DISC-

    2010.10.02 FIREWALL DIV.??サンクレイド????移??後??????披露目公演????????????ステラボール????舞????をメン??ー??????迫????密??映????当日??ライヴ映??を??録。

    Regular Ed.


    1. 夜光

    2. ロストジェ??レーション replay

    3. 夜光 -UNPLUGGED-

  5. I wouldn't exactly call that experimental. It's generic pop. And apparently doesn't even have any interesting instrumentalization going on unless they managed to leave out the best part of each song. That just... good lord. I threw up in my mouth a little.

  6. Haven't listened to this, but are those seriously the names of the songs? The Cry Against..., Fleeting Prayer and BURST EP you mean? Haha, that's kinda cute.

    Okay, listened. Not cute.

  7. 『ロマン??スト~THE STALIN・??藤ミ??ロウ Tribute Album~??



    税込価格 ¥3,059













    Ohhhh yeah

  8. This band is so boring they make me fall asleep before the song even starts. I honestly don't know why they're even around except to provide some eye candy for fangirls in the form of Hazuki. Man is pretty, but they really shouldn't be making music for a living.

    Oh and my opinion on the single is implied.

  9. it's just that I don't want them to try to tame themselves, that'll take everything away, though I don't think Gara can tame himself, so that's a good thing :]

    really curious about how the album will sound [february release perhaps? probably not that far away], it seems like it will be MUCH better than underworld... [though I don't think there'll be another gekkisei... unfortunately.]

    Tame themselves? They do acoustic versions often. Live, as covers etc. Gara and Yuu even have their little acoustic duo 爆裂羊団. This should sound more like Merry than anything they've done since the label change.

    Why is everyone hatin on under-world, when it's so amazing? ;_; That's like the least tame Merry ever.

  10. also, crisis is perfect for that unplugged version ;), unless that ends up utterly boring...

    I considered that as well for a second and then remembered this is Merry we're talking about. Gara could sing Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star a cappella and it still wouldn't be boring. Just take that acoustic Tick-Tock from last Christmas for example.

    I've listened to this song like 1000 times by now and it still takes my breath away. Can't believe we still have Fleeting prayer and the unplugged and the live footage from August to look forward to. I feel so spoiled again. Merry, why you so good to me?

  11. This is what happens when you don't let your voice flow naturally. It's like some obsession with VK vocalists to try to sound "operatic" when their voice is really nothing like it. No Japanese vocalists outside of VK sound like that (thank god) so it's fairly obvious that it's not natural. Fail growling is a separate issue I think.

    Everyone should sing like Gara.

  12. Not that I've seen them (sucks hard), but someone whose DVD's I never tire of would be Merry obviously. Only recently did I remember that they played a couple lives with ミドリ last year. I hadn't listened to ミドリ back then, so it totally didn't register. I know Yuu wants to play with them again some day, so I hope it will happen and I can be there. I think my brain would melt from the awesome.

  13. I was gonna suggest you go see their homemade Youtube PV's instead, since those are priceless with the fake MTV logos and everything, but they're way more ear rapey than the album. So perhaps that wouldn't help, haha. The album's missing some of their best songs though.

  14. You do realize it's released on March 10 right, so 03/10

    It's now September 16, so 09/16

    6 months and 6 days =/= almost a year


    But yeah, besides the 'almost a year' thingy, you're right :)

    I meant since I first heard them, not the album. Though I'm not sure if that was before or after they released it, so you could be right. My memory ain't like it used to be.

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