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Posts posted by *littlelamb

  1. 01. What are you listening to right now? Beggars and Slaves by Overground Acoustic Underground

    02. What song(s) make(s) you sad? Calling by Merry

    03. What is the most annoying song in the world? Too many, rather not think about them if I can

    04. 3 all time favorite Japanese bands? Merry, STAn, Ling tosite sigure

    05. 3 all time favorite non-Japanese bands? Don't feel strongly enough for any to call them a favourite

    06. Your favorite recently discovered band is? Brahman

    07. Favorite female voice(s)? keme

    08. Favorite male voice(s)? Gara

    09. Music type you find yourself listening to most? Punkish rock, post-hardcore and folk

    10. What do you listen to, to hype you up? I don't intentionally hype myself up, but Merry's live DVD's do it for me

    11. What do you listen to when you want to calm down? Overground Acoustic Underground, Kaguyahime

    12. Last gig/concert you went to? MUCC actually, lol

    13. Band you find yourself listening to the most right now? Merry, Brahman

    14. Most hated band? Don't have one

    15. Song that makes you think? I always think

    16. Band that you think the world should love as much as you do? STAn

    17. Favorite music video? Can't think of one right now.

    18. Can you play a musical instrument? I can read notes enough to play the keyboard really poorly.

    19. Are you in a band? God no.

    20. Do you wish yourself that you were a musician? No, I rather leave it to those who have the talent and drive to do it well.

    21. Best all-girl band you know of? kinoco hotel

    22. Last song that you heard on the radio/CD…etc…? Don't remember

    23. What do you think of Classical music? Like with any "genre", there's stuff I like and stuff I don't. Not something I actively listen to however, since it's too pretty.

    24. What do you think of Country music? Like some due to too much exposure, but not the poppy modern kind.

    25. What do you think of Death metal? I've come by stuff I like, but Black metal is where it's at.

    26. What do you think of Visual Kei? Collectively it's shit, but if the music comes first and the visuals back it up, it can be very cool. Hate the fact that the scene is full of talentless boybands who attract pop fans going through their rebellious phase, who have terrible taste and go for the most generic stuff imaginable.

    27. If you were a musical instrument what would you be? Guitar

    28. What do your parents listen to? Mom likes classical, dad likes all kinds, but mostly blues rock, country, celtic, iskelmä etc.

    29. Favorite movie/anime/video game sound track? Electric Dragon 80.000 V

    30. Do you know the names of all the band members that you listen to? Only for some of my favourite bands.

    31. Have you met any famous musicians? Don't think so...

    32. Do you follow the music charts, like the top 40? No

    33. Do you watch music TV? No

    34. Do you listen to the radio? Never

    35. What are 3 of your favorite albums ever? 1. Some Merry album (can't choose), 2. I know by STAn, 3. Venometeoric by Back Drop Bomb

    36. Name one album that you regret listening to The latest Coldplay with the annoyingly long name

    37. Do you buy music digitally? Hardly ever

    38. Favorite Visual Kei band? Merry

    39. What is one band that you used to love, but now hate? Coldplay

    40. Does Engrrrrrish bother you? Often, but it doesn't turn me off in punk for example, since it's not supposed to be *pretty* in the first place.

    41. What genre could you never listen to? Dance pop makes me sick

    42. What language do you listen to the most in music? Japanese

    43. Do you like long songs? I don't pay attention to the length unless I get bored half-way and that's not due to the length, it's due to the song not being good enough. So yes.

    44. How often do you download music? Too often

    45. Are there any specific bitrates that you prefer? 192 upwards is fine

    46. What do you think of autotune? Works in rare cases, not in the kind of stuff I tend to listen to though.

    47. What do you think of Noise (music)? Can be therapeutic, or pointless shit

    48. Do you prefer listening to music on speakers or with headphones? Headphones

    49. What musician(s) are you most physically atracted to? ...hmm...TOSHI-LOW

    50. If you could bring back any disbanded band, which one would it be? Judy and Mary

    51. If you HAD to stereotype your music tastes, what would you be considered? (in example -a metal-head, hip-hop, goth, hipster, etc..) Punk

    52. How much on average do you listen to in a day? Varies a lot. Maybe 3-4 hours.

    53. How big is your digital music collection? No clue, my computer is a mess.

    54. How many physical CDs do you own? Haven't counted, maybe ~100.

    55. What song will you play at your Wedding? Not planning on marrying

    56. What song will you play at your Funeral? Someone else should play Merry's whole disco. Hopefully that will take at least 24 h by then.

    57. What dead musician would you bring back? Daisuke, but not for the music though, or for me.

    58. Best intro to a song? Can't think of one.

    59. Favorite album cover? Can I pick a single? Suehiro Maruo's cover for 個性派ブレンド~黄昏編~

    60. Two artists/bands that you'd like to see collaborate? Merry and nil

    61. What are you listening to now? UKIGUSA by Overground Acoustic Underground still

  2. inb4 omg they vk again

    Well, now that you mention it...


    No, actually I'm glad that they seem to be back to making/being whatever they like instead of trying hard to distance themselves from anything make-up related, which felt like the case for a while.

  3. Well I believe AMON (Symphonic ver.) already counts as a remix right?

    No. If it's a separate recording then it's not a remix. Remix is when you use the same tracks to make a new mix.

  4. ^What? The regular edition cover is a Katan doll as well.

    アルバム『Beautiful Freaks』の世界観をさらに広げ、


    "KATAN DOLL"の写真を初回生産限定盤A、


    So with the regular there is an exclusive picture of KATAN DOLL ?

    No, it just says the covers of Limited type A and regular edition are from that book. Could be more pics in the booklet of course, who knows.

  5. The Shibuya doll museum Maria no Shinzou made an announcement tweet about the Merry covers, and the tweet before mentioned how the artists they got a confidential visit from the other day were the members of MERRY. So they went to see the dolls in person? D'aww, that's my Merry.

  6. I wonder if people still would give tsumi to kisei the ratings 8/10, 9/10 (extremely high quality, close to being a timeless masterpiece) etc if it instead, for example, was an unknown polish death metal-LSD band who was behind it :D

    There are many bands that play entire albums with songs that sound like Tsumi To Kisei and people like them.I'm one of those people.

    So am I. That comment was seriously daft.

    I like the whole single a lot.

    Yet the guitar solo still sounds like it has no relation to the rest of the song, and I hate solos like that, so it bothers me a little. Everything else I like.

  7. I really need to go to a Merry show in 2003 someday

    Fix'd : |

    Not saying that I wouldn't like to see メリー live as of now, but it would've been amazing to see the band while it was still eroguro and Gara was masturbating on stage or eating ink or something.

    Um, have you not watched any of their recent DVD's? I suggest you buy Type A, if you want to see ink drinking.

    A little disappointed by the percentage of actually new songs.

  8. Oh I remember reading the newest Tokio Passi (2010), it's a humorously written Finnish travel guide about Japan, and for the section about music the author had interviewed some music industry guy to hear about what's in at the moment. And the first (or second) thing he mentioned was Visual Kei! I was like whaaat? But he didn't name any bands, just went on to name drop popular artists, stuff like Tokyo Jihen and The Cro-Magnons.

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