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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by Cas

  1. Cas

    Rome – The Blade Unmasked
  2. Cas

    Keep The Andromeda Galaxy?
  3. Cas

    Kick Broccoli?
  4. Cas

    Needs some rest.
  5. Cas

  6. Cas

    ??蓮 – ?????
  7. Cas

    Well that was mighty nice of him.
  8. Green Day - I was a huge Green Day fan in my teen years. Basically, my entire interest in music revolved around that band. However, as I became older, their music lost its appeal to me. I haven't picked up any of their albums in years now. Nightmare - They were one of my first visual kei bands that I really got into. They were my favorites for quite some time, and I still have all of their albums and a bunch singles. Yeah, I don't care for them anymore. I think I just got tired of them.
  9. Cas

    Jorane – The Cave
  10. Cas

    Is a high school student.
  11. Cas

    Mostly Harmless by Douglas Adams. It's the only book in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series that I haven't read yet. Transmetropolitan Vol. 1: Back on the Street Hitman Vol. 2: 10,000 Bullets
  12. Cas

    Keep Butternut squash muffins with a frosty top?
  13. Cas

    Has made 5.00 posts per day.
  14. Cas

    No Do you like reading non-fiction books?
  15. Cas

    Monty Python and the Holy Grail
  16. Cas

    Super Meat Boy Dead Space 2
  17. Cas

    The X-Men: First Class trailer actually looks interesting. Please let this one be a good film, since I've disliked all the other X-Men movies.
  18. Cas

    Haha, of course I'm not being serious. This is what the holiday is about. I just took a look around a store today and all the shelves were packed with teddy bears and heart-shaped candy boxes. I don't quite understand why people choose to spend their money on these irrelevant things, because there are far better and more meaningful ways to show your love for someone.
  19. Cas

    I'm going to have a date with Gordon Freeman, and that is all I've got planned for today. But yeah, I'm not a fan of this holiday. It seems that it's more about spending money on some useless stuff than actually enjoying time with your loved one... because if you don't buy her that cute teddy with little hearts on its tummy, you don't love her!
  20. Hah, I was expecting either Drake or Bieber's hair to win this (since they've been so popular this year), but this is definitely a pleasant surprise.
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