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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by Cas

  1. Cas

    The Mechanic The first half of the movie was pretty decent, the second half was crazy action. Kind of inconsistent, but I was entertained.
  2. Cas

    I'm a natural-born locksmith. There's nothing I can't fix!
  3. Cas

    We had a dog for 16 years, but she passed away 3 years ago. I found her in a park hiding in a big pile of leaves. She was only a few months old and she had an injured paw, so we took her home with us. We had no idea how she got there and no one claimed her either, so we kept her. We've also had a couple of cats. They were all absolutely adorable. We had Kitty for 15 years, Miki for 6 years and Kuu for 4 years. One of them was killed by a car but the other two died of old age, and they were all brought home from a shelter. Right now I don't have any pets. I have been thinking about getting a cat again. I really miss having someone around.
  4. Cas

    Ya-foo – apology
  5. Cas

    Keep. A Purple Sandpiper?
  6. Cas

    I can has heating.
  7. Cas

    I wish I had a working refrigerator. That would be like, so awesome.
  8. Cas

    Keep Google?
  9. Cas

    Black & white House or an apartment?
  10. Cow and Chicken was a really fun cartoon. Yeah, I kind of miss these old Cartoon Network shows and Angry Beavers.
  11. Cas

    Paleontology doesn't even sound like a real word to me anymore. Paleontology. Paleontology. I need to stop repeating it. Paleontology. Grrrrrrr.
  12. Cas

    Boards of Canada – Sunshine Recorder
  13. Cas

    Oh, can I have a , please? I'll be nice, I promise.
  14. 夢中夢 appear to have lost their members and might be on some sort of hiatus, another release/any activity from them would be great. This would make me endlessly happy. They have released such wonderful music, I'd really love to hear from them again.
  15. Cas

    Not at all! I often feel like a misfit? Am I weird?
  16. Cas

    No Have you ever read Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky?
  17. Cas

    Kick, I don't like blogging. Killer tomatoes?
  18. Cas

    I'll just continue to ignore it then. Hah, better safe than sorry.
  19. Cas

    Has more posts than me now!
  20. Cas

    Yes. Would you survive a zombie apocalypse?
  21. Cas

    Cookies Lava or water?
  22. Cas

    SH12idaogIw And I've never watched Jersey Shore, but I imagine that it's a serious train wreck.
  23. Cas

    Makes me want to bake some cupcakes.
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