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Mind of the sun

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Everything posted by Mind of the sun

  1. Mind of the sun

    Looks awesome!
  2. Mind of the sun

    Awesome news!
  3. Mind of the sun

    lol, i understand the resemblance but i think its a bit harsh to stop listening to them because of it. The hole album is probably more Breed of the sun like.
  4. Mind of the sun

    Awesome PV! I love that the song is melodic, i like their heavys screams stuff to but it has been a while since they did an song that is almost only melodic! It's almost to catchy lol Also nice to hear Satoshi doing some screams! Don't know if i can hear any typical Miya riff but i think saw him in the pv.
  5. Mind of the sun

    You can listen to two samples on this site: http://www.indiesmusic.com/ItemView.aspx?id=19684 Its the first 30 secounds of ''No reason in the pit'' and ''MY FRIENDS FOREVER''. I like this sample of no reason in the pit alot more than the pv preview, sounds like an epic song afterall! Only english vocals from tama in My friends forever sample. Sounds okey, but the song sounds like a new 耳を澄ませば. I hope the full version is better!
  6. Mind of the sun

    Fringe season 4 episode 8 Finally an awesome episode this season. I am so mindfucked right now.
  7. Mind of the sun

    耳を澄ませば is their heaviest song and all of their songs have a melodic part. The new album may have a song wich only have screams though! Its a pity that you don't like his voice, but im glad that you like the music!
  8. Mind of the sun

    I love his raw voice! Im not sure , but i think he sings that way because of were he comes from, the band is very proud to be from Okinawa and they have a way of singing there wich i think he is trying to do. I might be really wrong though, but im sure i read it in an interview somewhere.
  9. Mind of the sun

    As a preview i agree that it's not that good, sounds the same the hole time basicly. Im sure that the hole song has more ''energy''. I do think that the song is cathy though! Apparently the pv was suppose to be out in december, so why they decided to post a preview i don't know, but the hole video will probably be up at the end of this month.
  10. Mind of the sun

    Updated the info with a pv preview for no reason in the pit and a live video with a new song from the album.
  11. Mind of the sun

    I want it.
  12. Mind of the sun

    Way of the Samurai 3 Great game
  13. Mind of the sun

    Dragons Dogma Azuras Wrath Bioshock: Infinite Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City
  14. Mind of the sun

    Just got it and its amazing, why oh why did i not get this sooner...
  15. Mind of the sun

    Loved arkham asylum. This was better in everyway, but i did not play it as much, just wasn't so batman hyped like i was when arkham asylum came out.
  16. Mind of the sun

    Memento Amazing mindfuck movie lol Christopher and Jonathan Nolan are brilliant.
  17. Mind of the sun

    Japanese: ROACH - Breed of the sun Dir en grey - Dum Spiro Spero French: Betraying the martyrs - breathe in life
  18. Mind of the sun

    great news, hope they release a new album soon :/
  19. Mind of the sun

    Guwange Terraria Splinter cell conviction
  20. Mind of the sun

    ROACH are done with their pv for the album, so hopefully we will get to see it soon! Also for everyone who uses last.fm , i uploaded a new picture on roach's band page on there so please vote for it. http://www.last.fm/music/Roach/+images/71988332
  21. Mind of the sun

    I agree lol. Not the best choises of titles, would perhaps been better to have the titles in japanese. Yeah, if they lose to much of that japanese feel, they will end up sounding like alot of other american influenced japanese bands that we alredy have alot of..
  22. Mind of the sun

    ROACH presens 098- at SHIBUYA QUATTRO SOUTH ロコビッチ FLiP バーボンズ ROACH All the bands were from Okinawa, FliP had some great energy, if you like japanese rock with female vocals, check them out. バーボンズ were awesome to, japanese reagge rock pop kind off. Really great guys. ROACH were amazing ofcurse, been a fan of them since 2007 so this was really big to me. if anyone has any music with バーボンズ , please share!
  23. Mind of the sun

    Yeah! I just hope they don't go to far with the american influence! We got alot of those japanese bands alredy. I want them to keep the japanese melodic parts at least!
  24. Mind of the sun

    One of my favorite games of all time, spent so many hours on maxing out all characters..
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