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Aeolus last won the day on October 21 2020

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About Aeolus

  • Rank
    Kisaki's Errand Boy

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  1. Am I the only one enjoying TRACES VOL.2?

    My only complaint is that the high's are a bit much but the cd sounds amazing in my car.


    In case anyone wants to know

    Sony Walkman NW-A35 w/ Grado SR-80 E headphones 

    and my Mazda 3 has an 11 speaker Bose system

    1. platy


      nah. Just finished listening to it, it's not as bad as I thought. Some tracks are boring as fuck (it's a ballad album, of course there's only so much you can do). My main complaint is how a lot of the songs sound echo-y, no idea why they thought that'd be cool.

    2. platy


      Oh and a lot of the tracks I used to hate, I managed to find something to like in them or at least I can tolerate them in this album (.eg CALM ENVY and Cassis ) and the new Taion is just beautiful :oops:

    3. Flame-X


      I like it so far. It gave me a good reason to listen to these oldies again. I think the weakest rerecorded track is PLEDGE. It fell into the same trap as Dir en grey's rerecorded song THE FINAL, making it less emotionally impacting than the original.

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