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Everything posted by stylelover

  1. stylelover

    PENGUINS. LIKE AS MUCH AS MY OWN LIFE. i have everything. i even have a penguin waffle maker. only a real penguin is missing
  2. stylelover

    omg re:Make revival
  3. stylelover

    great. gonna buy that one.
  4. hopefully it will be great
  5. stylelover

    Also ich habe davon noch nie gehört und lese das gerade zum ersten Mal, aber es ist wirklich toll xD
  6. stylelover

    UNDER THE SHIT was their first release
  7. stylelover

    Crystal Castles yesterday
  8. stylelover

    someone tell me when punk hazard starts xD
  9. stylelover

    part of my collection. not enough space there, so many cds are beneath my bed lol
  10. Its not really strange. Its an inflammation of the cornea. Not that rare, i guess.
  11. stylelover

    Me neither. I dont think you can feel any difference. Same settings, same everything. I played it for like 1-2 minutes and already felt like im playing Halo.
  12. stylelover

    seems to be a compliation with western bands. Nana:[shi] and shizzura are both from germany? dont know about the others.
  13. stylelover

    ^Screw you, now i really want to play it xD Yea the real challenge is with all skulls. Halo 2 was sooo difficult, but its more fun like that. How long did it take for you on heroic? Most people say it took them like 5-6 hours to finish the campaign, so i definetely want to play it on legendary so that it will take longer. 5 hours is too short xD Regarding mp: great to hear that. Im not really a online player, but i always loved the halo mp part.
  14. stylelover

    Also a really big halo fan. I already got it last week friday, but i didnt play it so far, because i want to play it first in coop with a friend on mine and thats why i need to wait till saturday. I CANT WAIT ANYMORE. Still not sure if i will start with legendary, i played every halo game on legendary, but i heard that this one is a little bit harder. on which difficulty do you play?
  15. stylelover

    so yea. i cant use mh anymore, because every site takes like 10 minutes to load. im still in the chatbox as chatbox regulars know, so if someone wants something from me look there, because i cant open pms or anything else here lol. im also at vacation for three weeks starting next week. so yea no uploads /posts or anything from me in a while. bye bye.
  16. stylelover

    too lazy to resize picture
  17. stylelover

    you didnt play any AC? then dont start with brotherhood or revelations. that makes no sense. you should at least play ac 2 because its the beginning of that storyline and i cant imagine only playing brotherhood.
  18. stylelover

    well it seems to be a problem with my own network, because it works fine at my workplace, but i can use mh just fine with my tablet and/or iphone.. (i waited 15 minutes to write this message lol)
  19. stylelover

    I know that there are server problems, but for me its like that 24/7. Sometimes it takes like 5 minutes till the index page is fully loaded. Of course there are times where everyone has problems or mh shuts down alltogether, but for me its permanent and i always ask at the minichat if other people have problems too.
  20. stylelover

    so yeah. mh doesnt really work me anymore in the last few days ~1 week and im really annoyed by now. i dont really think that it has something to do with my internet connection, because any other site works just fine, but no one else seems to have the problem, so it must have something to do with me. i did the usual stuff like testing other browsers, deleting cookies and router reset, but nothing helps. its just really really really slow and most of the time it doesnt even load the sites completely. sometimes i just see the banner and then it loads for eternity. and sometimes the timeout site appears and the site doesnt even load at all. any other ideas?
  21. stylelover

    no its 17^^
  22. stylelover

    ^this. dont care about halloween.
  23. stylelover

    great news
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