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Everything posted by Kazukii

  1. Kazukii

    I'm soo trying to be there! '0'
  2. ALiBi - Rainbow Colors (limited edition with PV DVD) AnCafe - Gokutama Rock Cafe (EU version) DragonWAPPPPPPER - 6piece (still in original packing!) Gackt - The Sixth Day Gackt - Crescent SuG - n0iZ stAr (+ PV DVD and 40 pages booklet) I ship worldwide! Just send me a price for the CDs you're interested in (PM please)
  3. vGm5_pBcVMs I saw that guy live when I was at an event (of Crazy★shampoo) in Japan D: Worst act I've ever seen XD It looks like there's no one else in the hall, but actually all people just went to the back X'D
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