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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. nekkichi

    i suddenly don't hate 8psb
  2. y'all got anna varney for all ur baldie boners but somehow expect deg to follow suit?.. smh
  3. lbr sisters if we aren't getting those new b-sides in year of our lord covid 2020 we aren't getting them anytime after so whatever lol
  4. I mean if lynch spontaneously released a 3 track single after stopping doing singles for several album cycles why wouldn't these heffas spare us some tunes? I can always hope :')
  5. saku/machiavellism?.. I kinda count hydra 666 too, but that's one of the few remakes I actually liked so idk
  6. nekkichi

    I'm uncomfortable x
  7. nekkichi

    does yeast infection have....an.......essence.................
  8. *looks at the deg news*


    where the fuck are the new gazette

  9. I'm, like, sure the new clever sleazoid will improve on the album version, but can we pleawse get proper b-sides again? like hello? it's a thirteen year old single that only had its momentum for like this long, most of it on the visual shock value on top of that.
  10. nekkichi

    https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/hip-hop-and-mozart-improve-flavor-swiss-cheese-180971721/ what would damlam cheese taste like?
  11. nekkichi

    yoshiki project feat. kisaki (satsuki) pleawse
  12. nekkichi

    Là reine 『Casser les oreilles』
  13. nekkichi

    I don't understand, are they a six piece band now with that dog who left them also back at it? what's the point?
  14. nekkichi

    me predicting rands member departure weeks ahead of the fact:
  15. SID anime opener that doesn't sound like pure shit? we love to see it 👏
  16. I lowkey hope to see damlam signed but who knows??
  17. I rly hope it's serving something better than a transcode from vkeiaddictsbrazil.blogpost.com/vk.com mastering-wise
  18. nekkichi

    - postponing another announcement of the album postponement? OR - launching his "la vie bleue compte" fragrances? OR - debuting an autobiographic slash fanfiction hide tribute manga? what would the capitalist fiend do in this timeline?????
  19. smh @ blatant racism against okinawa sunfried fuccbois uwu good thread title
  20. nekkichi

    ngl I really want one of his last genuine current stans to throw a 2004 ReS PV mash-up over one of those talented-brilliant-incredible-amazing.gif trap beats and @ him on twitter but it must be done unironically to convey the energy
  21. nekkichi

    ohhh sisT u missed an ERA!!!!!!!
  22. need this:



  23. nekkichi

    I honestly do prefer the making-of video for this over the final PV, it's on twitter:
  24. nekkichi

    1) the fuck is that video 2) she's back to shit rock y'all, trap-kei is cancelled https://music.apple.com/ru/album/1515054366?app=itunes
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