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Everything posted by ricchubunny

  1. Emiru and Natsuki in one band? HOLY SHIT That's my favorite 2013 band already
  2. at yesterday's Viju☆Love☆Cafe!
  3. there's a lot of autotunes and digital effects and stuff in the songs...i didnt like very much, but his voice is ok
  4. ricchubunny

    not his fan but hope he get well soon!!
  5. ricchubunny

    They uploaded some live clips : http://t.co/6fZOnTDH http://t.co/gXpTPbt0 and omg...................JUN IS BACK?!
  6. ricchubunny

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_AWYgBOMgQ Full PV. Love the song and Sui's look, but.......MISERY WHERE'S YOUR GUITAR
  7. ricchubunny

    too fast LOL
  8. ricchubunny

    PV preview http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1vRYpF4ud8 Longer preview but in bad quality
  9. ricchubunny

    I BRING U GUYS SOME POPCORN A japanese fan tweeted something like "I like BFN but...Their way to sell is deplorable" referring about the 6 types stuff...She didn't mention any member but Sala found her tweet and replied "so how do you want us to sell?". And then Rame came and said some stuffs, but basically u can understand as something like "We are trying hard in our way, and i just want that people who understand that and sympathize with it support us". It's like "IF U'RE POOR GFO BITCH". I'm kinda disappointed with them...
  10. ricchubunny

    argh, that sucks D:
  11. ricchubunny

    Hope thats better than PROPAGANDA's one LOL
  12. ricchubunny

    I hate their fuck'n fans. Once i went to a concert Kaya X M.O.V.E and their stupid fans were always making fun about Kaya, i really don't care about what they say but i got angry when they started to pretend that they were sleeping in Kaya concert @___@ grrrr I really dont like their songs and stuff, and i wouldn't never know that they exist if this concert hadn't happen but im sorry about the not stupid people who like then
  13. man...what is the problem with Jin? No one can stay in a band with him O_O
  14. http://souiumono.com/pc/pv/pv_madakonaiangel_large.html PV preview
  15. ricchubunny

    nvm, thats just a joke, im not a judge to accuse kisaki or something like that lol Btw, i think sadly they're not grown like that...what a stupid thing
  16. ricchubunny

    LMAAAAAAAAAAO. Seems like Rame learned a lot with Kisaki Hope i can buy at least the limited edition one, though (too por recently )
  17. ricchubunny

    what's your problem? I always make joke when bands which i like release 4+ types (like BFN and SuG), not my fault if you just see Kisaki topics bb. Stop fuckin bitching around in any Kisaki thread, people wont love him more because you defends him, its kinda useless and will only make u look like an idiot-kisa-whore, and i know that you're a nice guy, so i just ask you STOP BITCHING PLEASE. I wont stop writing in any topics which i want, cause i see no problem on it. So you don't like KISAKI. Cause KISAKI = stereotype. Just like KIWAMU.
  18. ricchubunny

    Yes Mr.Kisaki-lawyer, i would if i had seen about that. Btw, not going to discuss it here hope that Kisaki dont delay to pay your salary
  19. ricchubunny

    btw UCP is selling this iPhone case for just 31,500 yen (something like 380 dollars). I laughed hard
  20. i would like to say "who cares", but sadly there's people who care about them
  21. His voice singing is not that bad, but not good at all.It's an usual 'oshare' voice, but it was OK since he sang Lolita 23q older songs
  22. ricchubunny

    its remasterized too
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