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Everything posted by Manic

  1. Manic

    Does bass guitar count ? xD Whatever, my newest bass solos video could be watched through youtube ^^ RqXE2zpBN-Q
  2. Manic

    Rest in Peace, Mr Jobs!
  3. Manic

    Thanks! ^^ I had wrote a tracklist, look at the description.
  4. Sounds cool, i really hope Piass will be release something (in ths viewpont they are really inactive band xD) And Tsubaki as vocalist... ! I'm curious
  5. Manic

    XI ~ sai ~ o998E8gUJxA at 1:48 <3 - COLOR - Metis Gretel / Megaromania 1ZqGAw9aIFI My fave J-rock solos video, that i made some years ago xD
  6. Thanks for the info, Trombe, i'm very curious about them, Setsuna is one of my favorite bassist. ^^
  7. Manic

    Thank you, you made my day! *_*
  8. Manic

    Dammit, this is suck, my heart is bleed, but i wouldn't order the CD, thanks for the info, Jigsaw!
  9. Manic

    ^that was available on CDjapan as well, but they are "out of print" now ^^"
  10. Manic

    ^Duhh, i'm totally forgot this thread, sorry! I'm going try these out, thanks! ^^
  11. Manic

    Does anyone ever order a CD from JrockTV ? I want to buy Cult fiction club - Seishun kakumei CD, that available only on JrockTV, and the shipping is only just 280 yen.. but i dunno ^^"
  12. I want a COLOR and Kamaitachi cover ! : <
  13. This guy isn't so bad, than the other one, (and he's much funnier for me xD) 6jR3wZoaKhE This song isn't so crappy, but the vocalist has reeeeaaally high voice (similiar to Kasumi Shinjo - ex-SMILE) <3
  14. Nice line up, i like it (much better, than the first one)! *_*
  15. Manic

    Me and my friend make this site (not a nice one, but we don't care the design xD) We upload just crappy / not well known + our random faves vk band members xD
  16. Manic

    I have "just" the second acc. xD First one was deleted due that copryright thing - i lost 1 million views, hundreds subscription, friends, faves etc. It was sucks, yeah xD
  17. Manic

    FF8 on my old, fat PS1 (i'm on disc 3~) - i'm gonna bang the queen of cards mouth xD
  18. Manic

    I think deep infection is sound like DI3SIRAE's last mini, and the Blink too. Anyway, they uploaded a new demo (mischief) on their myspace (sad, it's vocalles version)
  19. Manic

    ^Yeah, and some people was angry, because Yuu doesn't play piano and drums at the same time... xdD
  20. Manic

    Fuck nooooo, i'm really sad! They were my favorite band. I'll be really disapointed if they don't continue their music activities
  21. Manic

    lol, a cover band? again? ^^" I really hope Libera will be released something in the near future The samples were awesome (really DI3SIRAE-ish )
  22. Manic

    Molice isn't my cup of tea (cuz' the female vocalist), but the Vola is nice (Weekend lovers is such a good song). Thanks!
  23. Manic

    I was bored, when i'm made this pic *don't kill me xD*
  24. Thank you, Trombe! I'm really grateful! ^^
  25. Manic

    I heard the concert was a shame (too many playback), but the show was awesome. That's true? xD What do you think? I wasn't there, but i'll be happy if somebody can write a review
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