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Everything posted by Manic

  1. qQc7QFuqbbo Some live footage could be watching through their YT channel. 1:05 - 1:36 <333
  2. Manic

    Surprising & shocking news, after that they sign a contract whit their new label.. o_O
  3. Deserted ray could be listening through their official youtube channel ! n8Y4mwAlSOo
  4. Yeah, i can't wait 'til August >.< I'd like to hear from this band
  5. Manic

    Gt. 由羽 (Yuuha) is ex member/guitarist of NeXuS (as 慧 (Kei)). http://profile.ameba.jp/lilt-yuuha/
  6. I thought they will announce release of their first single, but it seemes we need to wait. T_T
  7. Manic

    Really impressive content! But sadly, it's too pricey for me T_T
  8. Manic

    Cool! They were my fave newcommer in 2011, i'll looking forward to this release! *-*
  9. Manic

    They uploaded their 4th digital single "dislike" sCHBXFP-IDs
  10. Manic

    I really love them, they make really nice music, love their every stuff~ BTW, they have a support drummer, カレン (Karen) ex member of ヒメユリ(Himeyuri), then Mist. You can find him on ameblo
  11. Manic

    Yay, I'm happy to hear that! Hope this will be a _good_ announcement (full lenght album, eu tour~~ ) ^^
  12. Didn't knew Vell has disbanded o.O They look cool, looking forward to them~
  13. Manic

    Awesome! Glad to see, they are really active *-* Can't wait for the CM's
  14. Manic

    Argh, sad to hear that ._. BTW ex-SIVA LIZE guitarist KENZO will performance at Planet CHILD Music's event called パラレルスターダイナーVol.25 at 18. Januar. His (session) band name is vistlip2, members are: And the others bands who will play at this event:
  15. Manic

    I see, i thought it's official, sorry xd
  16. Manic

    Source? o.o
  17. Manic

    Great! I'm envy of those who can see them ^^
  18. Manic

    I don't think their latest stuffs were so bad, i quite like Arukuru / Ark (whatever), but maybe this is the best choice, than search new members. I really hope they'll fomr a new band together~
  19. He was the member of 安眠祈願 (Anmin Kigan), which was a session band yeah, but they are disbanding in 2009. He isn't member of any band yet.
  20. Some good news! They opened their Official YouTube channel, and upload their first comment: jcFtlq0hHn8 And they updated their OHP with the bands, that will play at their live event:
  21. Great! I'm glad they are active now! ^^
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