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Everything posted by cullucoo

  1. SHILFEE AND TULIPCOROBOCKLES new album (title not finalized) will be released in 2012 march
  2. Final version is out edW7oKAAafY And that's what Furukawa wrote:
  3. cullucoo

    I'd add FULL (ex-GUNIW TOOLS/Nookicky, now in SHILFEE AND TULIPCOROBOCKLES/TAFUCA/OCQ) to the list. His outfits are really different from each other, but there is something in common in all of them. I'm talking about hats, really weird hats.
  4. The PV filmed in Shanghai is out! kimD6GF35ZQ
  5. cullucoo

    TEAM BUDDIES! Love this game
  6. cullucoo

    I think I know you lol ciao
  7. cullucoo

    So Full and Jake had a small revival live called 『SOLOSOLOGUNIW2』 today and here's the setlist: 1.頭上の石 2.未練は思い上がり 3.From the inside 4.Either Wise Or Fool 5.Fade Story 6.冬のうぐいす Encore:不断の窓 So awesome it was also released a DVD with a lot of unreleased videos from 1992-1994 era. i'm really looking forward to it!
  8. cullucoo

  9. cullucoo

    Hi there, welcome!
  10. cullucoo

    [1992~2000, 2011(???)~(???)] Let's talk about these guys. They're probably one of the most underappreciated bands among visual kei and Japanese music fans but hey, they just don't fit any music stereotypes and explore really weird venues. Their music genres are all over the place, which takes a lot of musical open-mindedness to take in, and I guess they look too weird for most people but yet not visual kei enough for vk fans. Their sound and their creativity make each album different from the others. Listening to NIWLUN you wouldn't think they're same band that made DAZZLE. I love both Jake and Asaki's different styles, and I think both carry Full's voice beautifully. Some songs: モラリストの事 - Plenty of flour - SOUP - baby's one do - VANITY Favourite band EVER. <3
  11. cullucoo

    Ok it seems like Full can't reserve copies for oversea fans... faaaaak
  12. cullucoo

    5UPmaW3WVY0 brb shaking and crying
  13. cullucoo

    Full wrote this on the OHP: Is it FC limited? Sorry but my japanese sucks lol
  14. cullucoo

    If you guys want to get a copy, just tray to email Full here http://www.finchliqueur.net/toimail/ and see if he can reserve a copy for you.
  15. GUNIW TOOLS live-limited DVD will be released at SHILFEE AND TULIPCOROBOCKLES 『タイトル非公開』 at 東京 真昼の月 夜の太陽 at 2011/12/05. The DVD will include unreleased lives and songs/PVs from 1992-1994. http://ameblo.jp/shilfee/ Aaaaand don't forget about the GUNIW TOOLS sort-of-oneday revival live on 2011/11/22! Seems like GUNIW TOOLS will have some nice surprises for us!
  16. cullucoo

    Welcome! ^^
  17. cullucoo

    I was about to post that Talking about SHILFEE etc, I never heard of stuff similar to these: X1F862xWjGo 9RzOv6U7aiA
  18. cullucoo

    Oh Udine, lovely city~ Have fun and eat pizza!
  19. cullucoo

    I just changed nickname!
  20. Yes, he's making the PV. I think it was filmed in Shanghai during their coupling tour together because in the PV Dada is wearing the same outfit he had in Shanghai.
  21. This mvB2LZMvdsc Or this GXh2mBsRVs4
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