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Posts posted by MY BFF HEIDI

  1. lol.. but Taichung kind of sucks... hope she at least tours Taipei and plays there too.. Anyhow she is huge there and hope she realizes it and comes and does a proper show!!

    To share with the peanut gallery: My new favorite Gaga performance??


    mine too!!! i watch this one all the time.

  2. more like annoyed @ the same jokes about fangirls being passed around and lauded as the epitome of humor by the fat-virgin-loser circlejerk that runs this forum.

    but w/e enjoy your superiority if it makes u all feel better about j/oing to big-titted anime babes & wondering...always wondering... what a real woman feels like.

  3. Well I'll give her some credit, I don't even listen to 375 bands.
    and i'll never get this adoration every weeaboo has for jasmine you, he wasn't a great bassist or song writer. just looked pretty.

    Herpes, if he wasn't pretty then that would ruin the mood of their angst-ridden fanfics and flowery lolita get-togethers once annually.

    the only thing more pathetic than fanfic writers is ur ridiculous obsession with irrelevant japanese dad-rock

    kill yourself ASAP

  4. i don't mind paying 4 mp3s but it'd be nice if they'd give extra shit with it. at least give me scans of the booklet or translated lyrics or a photoset or SOMETHING. give the consumer a reason to actually buy the mp3 instead of just d/ling

  5. It may not even be appropriate for me to say this, but I just couldn't help but notice that the creator of this topic is listed as being active in the Downloads section of this forum. Maybe if you want to stop illegal music sharing, it might help to make sure you aren't part of the problem in the first place. :/


  6. paying for music is for chumps lmao

    also widespread vk piracy is never going 2 end/change among overseas fans because the entire scene sprung up from it. if they wanna tap the foreign market they'll need 2 get off their asses and offer incentives or just ignore it altogether. especially in an economic depression.

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