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Posts posted by MY BFF HEIDI

  1. i always thought these games were kinda bad : / meandering plots, characters have no personality, the sprites are dorky looking, and i hated the way you found djinn.

    that's the charm of it all dumbass.

    i'm sorry i insulted your terribly designed anime games you giant baby ;~;

  2. Thanks for the helpfull answers.

    I think it will maybe "harder" or as "hard" as DELUHI was because Sujik is a very talented drummer. I don't think that he would waste his talent for slow songs where he can't use his potential. Well, lets suprise.

    stupidest post of the year

    no. your posts quoting another posts that you find stupid are the ones that are really stupid.

    protip: don't care

  3. That's because everyone's looking for the killer VK band to save the stagnating/dying scene and while -OZ- is good, they aren't that band. They know what they're good at and they stick with it, even if it's the same type of song rehashed over and over again. However, I agree with Tony. When I popped in my headphones those electronic sounds on Reverse sounded awful. Oh well, that's experimentation for you: sometimes it's good and sometimes it's not.

    we already have that band

    they're called REALies

  4. I've been a huge Manson fan for like ten years in a row.

    and of course I knew about this track but to be honest didn't even try to listen.

    probably because I've lost interest in Manson's projects aside his long awaited Porn William album.

    moreover, this changes nothing. Manson > Gaga.

    nobody cares

    get out

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