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Posts posted by TheBistroButcher666

  1. Ugghhhh even if none of these are really rare, I'd love to own this.

    Same here!
    It beats owning the physical copies of old clunky cassette tapes I can't even play. SELLING DEMO TAPE COLLECTION! Too many tapes, not worth owning :C
    I guess once the interior finally l degrades and is unplayable I can just create a binder that keeps all the booklet art and lyrics.

  2. Some of the shows are also 18+. I wonder if Diru fans will complain enough to get it moved to all ages like last US tour.


    Though personally, I'd like to be able to enjoy a few drinks without kids and their parents escorting them everywhere.

    Market is all ages just that they open the bar before the show and give bar attendees numbers that determines your place in line. Basically I can enjoy prefunking before the concert without kids being escorted by their parents and then get priority in line. Otherwise, once bar attendees are shuffled into the venue, it becomes all ages (or 18 plus I dunno).


    There's also bar seating inside the venue that puts your right above the floor so you still have a great view. I don't care about being close to the band or all that, so a spot with a good view is a-okay for me :D

  3. Maybe making trashy indie PVs is actually pretty cheap but doing trashy old indie PVs isn't really Dir en grey's thing anymore and so they're trying to do fancier looking videos which just results in trashy overproduced PVs? HA!


    Okay okay, I'll post something more modern instead of being an old school fag and posting 90 videos.


    Yet I thought Lynch's Ambivalent Ideal PV was really well done.




    It's pretty simple, not flashy and over the top and suits the atmosphere of the song perfectly. 


    Deadman also had really well done PVs. They weren't flashy and glittery but fit the song and style of the band perfectly, creating videos that aren't silly or outdated feeling.



  4. Meh, con concerts just suck compared to a real concert. I guess I'm just spoiled by metal concerts that are in dingy little clubs filled with people that are actually fans and not mouth breathing weeaboos.


    I totally understand that there's no way any of these indie bands could do a proper gig in the US, I'm just complaining and being a little bitch. It's a lot of money, language barrier to overcome and being screwed over in the past by amateur organizers like Tainted Reality and that dumb German weeaboo. It is easier and safer to just be sponsored by a convention than doing all the leg work.

  5. I haven't received the album yet, so only have their singles to go from, but: from my experience, GAUZES is def inspired by those bands, but not blatantly ripping off melodies like Grieva (but on the flip side, not as polished as Grieva either).

    That is true, they're definitely not as blatant as Grieva because if they are borrowing melodies and rifts and this and that it doesn't nearly stand out as much as Grieva's music. Grieva I just listen and think, oh that's Myaku, oh that's just FILTH or that's just the chorus from Cage. I haven't picked up anything yet but I guess also half the fun with Grieva is guessing the original source LOL.

  6. I just thought I write a bit more not only to back up my claims and opinions, but also because this topic is very interesting. Once I'm into writing stuff about such a thing I can't stop with "storytelling"... Also that's why we have this discussion forum. We discuss thigs and that means people will just have different opinions and see things differently. I don't like the thought of not reacting what others have said and just smashing youtube video links in every post. It's more fun when there is an actual conversation.


    For sure, I prefer topics with more substance and depth than just a bunch of links and lists of things posted over and over. That's why I'm not fond of listing topics or anything like that.


    Anyway, I had no idea that VISUAL TRAP did all those PVs. I always had thought that La'Mule and early Dir en grey PVs were very similar to each other and thought they may have contracted to the same company. So that's rad, I guess they really did!


    I was going to start naming off PVs that looked like they were filmed and directed by VISUAL TRAP but here's an Italian wikipedia page that lists a bunch of them. :D


    So yep, there's those La'Mule and Dir en grey PVs and also another I had suspected like SHIVER's PV HYPNOSIS but surprised to not see THE PIASS or anything from KEY PARTY like NeiL's DEEP ETERNAL and NOi'x FLOWERS. I guess with THE PIASS you can kinda tell that the production quality is slightly lower. I wonder if the list isn't accurate, probably not.


    Either way, that's kinda cool. Also seeing bands on there I had no idea had PVs like HYSTERIC BLAME and Vasalla had a PV for D.N.A?? Wuuuuuut!

  7. I admit I've only really listened to 蛍、送り火 while the rest I listened passively while I play video games or work or was just occupied with something. I didn't pick up any similarities but I was only partially paying attention. I guess when I go home today I'll relisten and see if I notice anything.

  8. The redundancy of the narration is really silly. Announce the date and then tell us COMING SOON!


    I hope we get a rad MM styled Voyage Sans retour release. I'm more interested in this because of Mana, I think Kamijo and Mana will be great together, especially because they're both Frenchaphiles so I bet this will be a cool release.

  9. ^ Oooh~ btw could you please write the tracklist here if it's not too much work? (in Japanese characters preferably) ...cuz I haven't seen the tracklist yet online anywhere and I can't figure that stuff out on my own when I get my copy (dunno that much Japanese, lol). Thanks in advance! :3

    Here you go :D
    Gauzes - 闇の調べ...
    Gauzes - 蛍、送り火
    Gauzes - モノクロ
    Gauzes - ナイフ
    Gauzes - 追憶
    Gauzes - kiss
    Gauzes - 崩壊
    Gauzes - 名も無き謳
    Gauzes - WING
    Gauzes - 揺篭の結末...
    Gauzes - 枯れた花を照らす月

  10. Nah, I think you're fine Ikna. Also I agreed with you, you basically illustrate my thoughts perfeclty.


    Kaggra, Birushana and even Onmyouza were "visual" bands that have been incorporating heavy use of traditional Japanese music into their style long before Miyavi put on some Kabuki pants.


    I'm on my phone so typing is a pain in the ass but honestly I imagine it might be difficult to sell a traditional Japanese image and sound to young fickle Japanese girls. It's possible that it could be seen as something boring or old. While the bands modeled after Western trends will be cooler and different. Why were we all drawn to visual kei in the first place? It was different and exciting from what were used to seeing.


    While there isn't really a story to this video I think Akikaze no kyoushikyoku is a great video. Despite being almost 13 years old, it doesn't feel dated and has a very timeless and classic feel to it. Raphael has some other great videos, some with more story than Akikaze but I felt that 




  11. I'd say the difference in awfullness lies in the technology. 



    Also D does have some great videos, I think my favourite would be Der Konig der Dunkelheit. The rose scenes are the best but I think the PV was one of their best to tell the story of that song. Asagi's dancing is pretty dorky though but that's okay :E



  12. There're a lot of old PVs in this thread, implying that maybe bands made better PVs in the past. I disagree though.

    I wouldn't really say my opinion is old = better. I view it the same as I do with modern movies, television shows and games. In the past without the use of CGI, film makers and television producers had to be creative with their special effects. Some better than others of course but I guess just that creators really had to focus on story and presentation to get the message across. Now I feel that some programs they can just toss in some fancy CGI to make things look good and skimp on story or other aspects since they can do more lasers! More sparkles! More explosions! More Megan Fox boob shots! I'm generalizing of course but that's just how I view older PVs too. Seemed like artists had more limitations so they had to really put in extra effort to produce their videos instead of how artists can just stand in front of a green screen and let special effects do the rest. Generalizing of course and maybe I'm just showing my age. DAMN KIDS AND THEIR PVS! BACK IN MY DAY ALL I HAD WAS STEVE WITH CHEAP HAND HELD CAMERA!
    But like your example of Kiryu, their PVs are always great to watch. Nega’s stuff has always been good in my opinion, I don’t even like most of their music but their PVs I thought were worth sitting down and watching. Matenrou’s Gloria concept PVs another good watch as well.

  13. Speaking of annyoing green screen... PENICILLINs remake of Romance is full of it and it is terrible. The original PV was dozen times better.


    Oh my gawd, I had no idea they remade that. It was so dumb. The original was so raw but this was so bland and soulless. The rerecording of the song I don't mind though, could be because the original one I watched on YouTube was just a poor quality upload but ehhh...

  14. I liked him in early releases but I still didn't really love him either.


    I do like Kamijo overall, I think he's a fine vocalist just not in a power metal band like Versailles. There was just some songs he just didn't have the power and force to really make the songs stand out like Alessandro Conti or Tobias Sammet can do. That's why I also look forward to his solo release because he'll have more control and can create an enviroment that will really compliment his singing.


    Oh and sometimes I'm intentionally harsh about Kamijo in Versailles but that's just to get a rise out of Kamijo fangirls.

  15. Feel free to explain why someone would be offended because I really don't see why these are offensive.


    It's such a non-issue, is the complaint just to be lazy and circumvent having to have the minimum post count to customize your title? You used to not even be able to customize it in the past.

  16. Before moving on with certain instances, I would like to say that I somewhat DESPISE  overpowering green-screen effects in a new wave of VK /(perhaps)J-rock PVs  (New DEG and Lin are perfect examples of this so-called "disaster").
    Oh yeah, the green screen thing is not nearly as fun as a bunch of dudes running around while their friend chased them with a handheld camera.
    Honestly, though minor and silly I think what bugs me the most about green screen is have you noticed that bandmen's teased and spiky hair causes problems with the green screen background? There's usually a fuzzy halo affect around their hair. UGH! THAT'S SO ANNOYING! I don't think that happened in Lin PVs since KISAKI probably had enough money to get that fixed but with lower budget bands it's the worse.
    Also I figured I'd bring up Deshabillz. Holy smokes they had some of the coolest PVs, their music and videos really brought out a great dark gothic atmosphere without being overly corny and silly. I won't link a video, just go to YouTube and look up Deshabillz PV. Anything from them is worth watching.
    Oh, I'm sad that I totally forgot about Kuroageha 's Night Melody PV. It is pretty fantastic! The intro is needlessly long before the song actually starts, oh and Makoto looks like a wiener but he always did so nothing new about that. So just skip to 2:40 because it's a great video.
    I thought the death sequence for all the members was really well done. It wasn't overly bloody and crude but thought out and really elegant.
    I guess really my favourite 'story' PVs just tend to be older ones since it's before special effects became more common place. I know there's some cool modern ones though and oh yeah I am bias for all those old bands anyway.

  17. I thought about texting you a corny joke with my Google Voice number but I realized it might cost you money. So I didn't BUT I ALMOST DID! ALMOST! 


    Why don't cats play poker in the jungle? TOO MANY CHEETAHS!


    What do cats read in the morning? THE MEWS PAPER!


    How do cats sing scales? Do-ri-MEOW!

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