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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by girusatoshi89

  1. girusatoshi89

    nope ever dropped water or any other liquid on ur keyboard?
  2. girusatoshi89

    yes ever eat crackers with cheese?
  3. girusatoshi89

    no ever drop something on ur foot?
  4. girusatoshi89

    ^ wtf lol. i haven't seen that >
  5. girusatoshi89

    nope have u ever pushed someone down stairs?
  6. girusatoshi89

    >< no have you ever played dead or alive 3?
  7. girusatoshi89

    yes i have, its gonna be awesome ^^ i've seen the trailer for it like a million times..lol i have to get a wii
  8. girusatoshi89

    lol no ever punched ur best friend in the face?
  9. girusatoshi89

    the monk dudes are retards....the only monster that scares me is the regenerator.
  10. girusatoshi89

    i know right...i find the camera for the first one so annoying, i mean everything looks nice but the puzzles and all the other crap >< it gives me headache.
  11. girusatoshi89

    no have u ever blown anything up before?
  12. girusatoshi89

    Simple rules. You answer yes or no, explain if you want, to the post above you, then you ask the next yes or no question. I'll start. have u ever broken a bone?
  13. girusatoshi89

    lol...srry i went to go eat
  14. girusatoshi89

    i wanna go there so bad
  15. girusatoshi89

    lol....that bites
  16. girusatoshi89

    lol...u want to order out. i want to get some fast food, but i have to eat w/e my mom makes today. total bummer.
  17. girusatoshi89

    lmao >< alright if i can get my brother to let me
  18. girusatoshi89

    velvet eden-girlfriend
  19. girusatoshi89

    u have gamecube right?
  20. girusatoshi89

  21. girusatoshi89

    depeche mode-master and servant
  22. girusatoshi89

    i love sel'm <3 >< i hope it doesn't take that long though
  23. girusatoshi89

    oooo i like resident evil 4 a lot more then i like the other ones.
  24. girusatoshi89

    D-God's child
  25. girusatoshi89

    >< its not that long. i just kinda day dream in the shower.
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