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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by girusatoshi89

  1. girusatoshi89

    ignore post
  2. girusatoshi89

    i've listened to it twice! and i plan on listening to it for many more times! i like it a lot
  3. girusatoshi89

    yes ever pick ur wedgie in front of a bunch of people?
  4. girusatoshi89

    idk possibly
  5. girusatoshi89

    Yes Have you ever played Tales of Symphonia?
  6. girusatoshi89

    i have no idea....it would be so hot if he was. he could join the club ^^
  7. girusatoshi89

    u want just any song? Rentrer en Soi is in the download section and Merry, go request them. someone will help. i don't really like Merry.
  8. girusatoshi89

    lol.....so..>< which ones
  9. girusatoshi89

    >< yes and it is so bad for you...my bf has too ever get ur hand stuck in kitchen sink?
  10. girusatoshi89

    XD...one of my Ex girlfriends wrote me a cheesy poem too. I lied to her and said that it was really sweet. maybe i should have told her the truth cause afterwards when we broke up she wouldn't leave me alone >
  11. girusatoshi89

    O_o u don't know???? ....
  12. girusatoshi89

    >< thats not nice
  13. girusatoshi89

    i thought i would share this with you guys since i found it on jpopmusic uploaded by yosei__ Kyo's poem book
  14. girusatoshi89

    i'm pretty sure i know. my bro doesn't wanna give me the game.
  15. girusatoshi89

    i know >< lol
  16. girusatoshi89

    hmmm...i like early Dir en grey stuff. Later is also good, but early is the best.
  17. girusatoshi89

    i do too!!
  18. girusatoshi89

    Phantasmagoria-fairy times memory
  19. girusatoshi89

    yes ever not move from ur computer for 24 hours?
  20. girusatoshi89

    >< wtf
  21. girusatoshi89

    yup. i like it that way. do u do your own laundry?
  22. girusatoshi89

    once XD ever tripped on ur shoe laces?
  23. girusatoshi89

    i hope ur feet feel better.
  24. girusatoshi89

    yes ever say a racial joke and turn around to find that race right behind you?
  25. girusatoshi89

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