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Everything posted by Yuuko

  1. Yeah it's that, just what was the meaning of those parts being smacked in. I didn't listen again but from the first listen they even sounded kinda out of time with the rest of the music, almost like when you're listening to a song and then you open a youtube video and it's like BLERG over your nice song haha. But yeah, I really like IC's voice, which is what bugs me with that weird autotune sound through the entire song. It not only completely overshadows the instrumentation, but also just ruins what is a pretty nice voice to begin with. Perhaps if he'd just done it in bursts during certain verses it may have worked in some way. Anyways, we will have to wait and see. Maybe that was just a one off.
  2. God damn. Well I really like BAELSCOPE. I also loved that name. I'm really not into this song above. What the heck is even happening during half of the last two minutes. D; I'll still listen out for more stuff, hope it's less like that song.
  3. I reckon this forum is powered by cats running on exercise wheels and they're all quite exhausted. Still going sooo slow. (,,◕ ?? ◕,,) halp

    1. Champ213


      I'm guessing it's just the hosting acting up, which isn't really anything we can change, safe for getting a faster hosting, which will cost more money - and it's already pretty expensive to pay for the current one.

    2. Yuuko


      Just think of the stamina Sherlock and Dr.Who has when running, that'll make you run better, right?!!? (Haha thanks for looking into it darling. <3)

    3. Yuuko


      Oh we musta posted at the same time almost Champ. That makes sense. I'd rather have to wait then have anybody pay more for this.

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  4. Yuuko

    Basically, the admins and mods discussed and decided to turn it into a Cat Café forum, what with growing concerns over the US cracking down on downloads. This is the end of Monochrome Heaven and the beginning of a new forum, where we discuss cats, pets, coffee, pies and the like. I'm sure the mods have already started feeding old uploads and dead links to their CATs to get rid of the evidence.
  5. Yuuko

    So.. I'd look pretty fakin' weird as a humanoid cat. Where's my tail?!! HALP
  6. Yuuko

    I hope the track that plays on that SPOT is actually going to be on the album as an instrumental. I liked that.
  7. YESSSS!!! Live version of SNOWING!! So exciting! LOL there is no live version of snowing, I heard lyrics wrong. Fuck. It was 同じ闇の中で, which is one of my favourites so I'm still super excited! xD The full PV is so beautiful too. *//O//*
  8. Yuuko

    You could become the owner of all the number CATs and then everyone would be your bitches/pets instead? (^ _ ~ )
  9. Yuuko

    I want this too. I was secretly hoping everyone would end up with the wrong name and end up believing they were each other. Persona meltdown.
  10. Hikaaarruuuu! I hope I'll like this as much as Izabel Varosa. I didn't enjoy PIECElang. Love ANUBIS as well. Looking forward to this.
  11. Yuuko

    Sweet, my birthday is the 19th of July, they seem to always release something around that time. Exciiittiiiinng. Sizna's birthday live has such an awesome line up! Quite surprised emmureé are still around considering how little they release. They don't seem to be popular either.
  12. Siiiiick. Always had a fondness for TenTen's bands since KuRt. And since him and Saburou (Zill) were good friends, I feel like I should keep an eye on what he's doing in his memory haha. I loved Saburou.
  13. Honestly, I thought The Candy Spooky Theater disbanded in 2010 or 2011 after SPOOKYWONDERLAND was released haha. >__>
  14. It's admirable, to a degree, until you start putting yourself in harms way. Then it's stupid, it doesn't look brave or courageous when you're on the floor bleeding. Nobody is a superhero. I went through a period in my late teens of feeling helpless and angry at how people are treated in this world, so I'd often attempt to defend strangers if I saw obvious violent confrontation, usually with words, but it always turns to physical violence very quickly. I had the shit kicked out of me countless times, often by groups of 3 or more. For what? After all that, I only managed to help two people in total. One homeless guy getting beat on by a crack head (to which I was so fortunate a bunch of friends cut in since I was probably about to get stabbed), and then a cashier in a small super market late at night who randomly was being dragged over the counter by his throat. Even then I thought I'd successfully gotten away with helping him, alas I got jumped by the same guy and 4 of his 'boys' when I was waiting at my bus-stop a few minutes later. In the end it looked to everyone like I showed a complete disregard for my own well-being, and in turn a disregard for how much my friends/girlfriend loved me and cared for me. It's not nice to look back on. Obviously I'm not saying you're batshitcrazyheromode like I was back then, but things can very quickly escalate even with the politest of words and calm manner. My point is, I don't think there is ever any glory in an act of physical violence. I know it was a push, but a push can send someone from pretty calm to seriously aggravated in literally a single second. It's good to help somebody, but I don't think it has anything to do with knowing martial arts. It's just morally right to try and help somebody who is potentially in trouble. But if it's a relationship thing, sometimes it's worth keeping your nose out. I've also been charged and punched in the face by a stranger, dragged to the floor and screamed at "WHAT THE F**K ARE YOU DOING?!" whilst another pulled my girlfriend back, because me and my girlfriend were having a little play-fight on the side walk whilst waiting for some friends who were in a shop, but from a distance these two guys couldn't see us laughing. That shook up my girlfriend a bit.. So.. Just be careful. Lastly, you're bound to get criticized somewhat more than getting gratifying responses when you post about it on the internet. If you felt you did the right thing, good on you, we have no idea what it was really like. Peace.
  15. Yuuko

    PSN: ParakissYuuko Friend Code: 1762 - 3175 - 1864 Don't be afraid to add. |∴め ϖ め∴|
  16. Yuuko

    Hope they change it to [Prosecco] and start selling all their merchandise cheaper.
  17. Yuuko

    Hello, here I am. Necessary eyepatch. I was at some venue listening to a random band and some chick fail crowd-surfed her finger right into my eye. ☆⌒(>。≪)
  18. Yuuko

    I agree entirely with 237Q on all of the above, and particularly about the deletion of inactive accounts, as I am so much the same. Been here since first Tainted World was around; now I rarely every download/upload anything, but you'll see a like/thank when I do, rarely am I online for entirely different reasons all the time. So, I don't feel I need to repeat-write anything since I already agree with what has been said and second those opinions. I would like to say that I find it quite amusing that you're afraid to speak to Champ though, 237Q. She's a puppy really.
  19. Yuuko

    I thought they already stopped playing like.. two years ago. Shows how out of the loop I've been for so long Used to love them, that's a shame. Also hope the vocalist starts/joins a new band.
  20. Yuuko

    Like suits, like the previews. Looking forward to a release.
  21. Yuuko

    Why was the video for a song representing Sweden in the Eurovision filmed in Japan? Also, it's humouring how uncomfortable he is in videos too - I love the bit where he 'throws' that table with his shirt off and it goes in slow motion. Was sure he was about to face plant. If he was taken down by a tiny table. <3 hahaha this guy is just hilarious.
  22. Yuuko

    Last week we played three shows, two were big support slots. We supported Iceage from Denmark, and also Mike Watt (The bassist of Iggy Pop and the Stoogs and co-founder of Minutemen, dos and fIREHOSE) which was really exciting. I got to use Mike Watt's huge stack bass amp, which sounded great. He took our record to play on his radio show too, he really liked us. His new band rocked too! Somebody recorded a video of one of our new songs from that show - the quality isn't perfect and there's not much to look at when somebody is recording so close to the stage, considering we play in the dark and the only lights are triggered by the drum hits. But it's quite cool still:
  23. Yuuko

    Super excited for this! Hope there's a live performance of Emily and/or 呼吸 at LIQUIDROOM on that B-Type.
  24. Yuuko

    Hiiii, here's some recent photos. ^Christmas in LA. ^Back in London, tryina be cute. xD ^Modelling the comfy new shirt my girlfriend sent me for Valentines. <3 ^Just hanging out in more leopard print haha. Bye~Bye x
  25. Yuuko

    Shade PV is premiered on Vice's 'Noisey' music site: http://noisey.vice.com/blog/dogfeet-sha ... o-premiere Also "Shade" was played on ArtRocker Radio today, skip to around one hour in: http://www.artrocker.tv/radio/article/p ... er-19-2012
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