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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by Miasma

  1. Miasma

    Here's the one where Uruha (the GazettE) falls. It's not as funny as the Hizaki one though! 7wrbr8NWmRo
  2. Miasma

    OMG! That Ken Kunihiro song (which is amazing by the way) is about prison rape! "Too much blood-in my bathroom-too much blood-in my room-too much blood-too much blood- ... Sombody whisper in my ear ... I washy my hands-over and a over-over and a over- I washy my hands-over and a over over and a ober- I yi yi yi yi yi yi I'm-a-innocent- I yi yi yi yi yi yi I'm innocent I was a very ordinary guy-I just a ordinary human being- .... Prison aint shit-I never saw anything-prison aint shit-prison aint shit-he was an empty-empty soul-prison aint shit-prison aint shit ... Something didnt fit-prison aint shit Tell your brother nothing-nothing-nothing-nothing-prison aint shit-I washy my hand-ober and a ober- Too much blood in my batharoom-too much blaaaaaaaaaad! Please help me-help me from my... hole Please help me-please take my hand-I wahsy my hand ober and a ober-I'm fucking innocent-I'm fucking innocent!"
  3. Miasma

    Thank the goodness I have a fast metabolism, because I probably take in as many calories a day as Kachida does! And sometimes I ride my bike, so that helps a bit? I've always been skinny though, but not skeletal. I'd say right now I'm probably around 120lbs, which is probably the most I've ever weighed. Only thing I have a problem with is my stomach. If I push it out, I swear I look pregnant. So I've cut back on dairy, and fast-food for a while now (so far it's been a month). I should start walking again, but not in this horrible weather... Anyway I don't smoke, I occasionally drink, I eat a lot of meat and vegetables, so I think I'm rather healthy?
  4. Miasma

    DELUHI 17 Versailles 19 Megaromania 8 D 17 Matenrou Opera 24 Awoi 13
  5. Miasma

    DELUHI 19 Versailles 19 Megaromania 8 D 16 Matenrou Opera 23 Awoi 13
  6. Miasma

    You're already in it.
  7. Miasma

    DELUHI 20 Versailles 19 Megaromania 8 D 16 Matenrou Opera 23 Awoi 12
  8. Miasma

    DaizyStripper, DaizyStripper, and DaizyStripper. I wouldn't say Yuugiri has a soft voice, but Kazami composes some amazing ballads. They're an excellent band all together, give em' a try.
  9. Miasma

    INDEPENDENT Well I'm not so pleased with the opening riff, heard it countless times before. But the song's progression is quite remarkable, the tempo variations are nice and a pleasant surprise. The song is really frantic, but not to the point were there's too much going on. I also quite like the chorus, I'll admit the screams are bit uncalled for, but it was definitely the most memorable part of the song, which is what a chorus is supposed to be. INDEPENDENT did it's job, as an album opener, very well. 4/5 も??一人??花?? The keys are what sells this song to me, Ayame plays great and kept my full attention throughout the entire song. And Sono's vocal rhythm flows nicely with Anzi's playing. Not much else I can say about this song, it's just great, definitely will grow to become one Maten's trademark tracks. Also, couldn't help but notice how misplaced this song was in the album, would have played better if placed after coal tar. 5/5 frill Somewhat of a groovy-upbeat-metal song, if that made any sense? Basslines are overused, but keep my foot tapping to the beat. Pre-chorus verses are fun, but made me realize how boring the drummer sounds throughout the song. Makes me think of Dolce, just heavier, and more upbeat. 3½/5 coal tar Here's where we hear some more variety from the drummer! The backing orchestra accompanied by the band playing that violent riff sounds great! The chorus sounds nice, but really doesn't fit in with the rest of the song. That moment were Sono's voice begins to become distorted played as a great prelude to the guitar solo. coal tar's dark atmosphere is definitely what makes the song's furtherance interesting; think of a toned-down Faust. 4½/5 Double Clutch Cliché anime opening title and song anybody? Not impressed with this song at all, shows very little talent from these guys. During the chorus Sono shows us just how annoying his voice can get. The only things I can praise from the song, is the intro, and the basslines. Hands down, the least interesting track from the album. 2/5 フタリ Can't say much about this one. I keep bringing myself back to listen to it, but I find it quite boring. It's a pleasant tune, but not one that I'd search for to play. 3/5 Finale... Quite an eerie intro the song has. Anzi keeps me entertained, Yo's basslines are great, Ayame' keys are smooth, and Yu needs to quiet his drumming. Finale...'s a nice instrumental, but the song would have sounded much more better with Sono. Glad they put this here though, it would have been disappointing if they ended the album with フタリ. 4/5 Overall I give Abyss a 4/5. Although, I have to say that I feel as if the album lost it's direction after the first four tracks. It's a great listen though, shows just how much this band has evolved in such a short time. Congrats to Maten on releasing such an excellent album; definitely my pick for 2010's best mini.
  10. Miasma

    I have to say bye to her... It's pretty late over here already, so I have to go now.... Bye Hanako! Talk to ya again soon~
  11. Miasma

    Doesn't want the iPad they're giving her for Christmas? Yikes, that sucks.
  12. Miasma

    Lives in one of the coolest cities EVER! Just a question, is there a lot of censoring in Dubai?
  13. Miasma

    I know. Haha just kidding! Doesn't know how to speak any other languages?
  14. Miasma

    Awww, thinks I should be a V.I.P. already... *cough* Hear that mods? And also has a lovely LiveJournal layout.
  15. Miasma

    Is incorrect! I'll probably stay on for another hour or so...?
  16. Miasma

    DELUHI 17 Versailles 19 Megaromania 7 D 19 Matenrou Opera 22 Awoi 14
  17. Matenrou Opera Deluhi RENTRER EN SOI Deathgaze lynch. NoGoD D VAMPS Sadie kagerou 9GOATS BLACK OUT
  18. Miasma

    I couldn't help but laugh at all of these "hunks"...
  19. Miasma

    Glad to know I'm not the only one that likes it.
  20. Miasma

    DELUHI will never leave this thread as long as Miss. Kachida is living... DELUHI 18 Versailles 19 Megaromania 8 D 17 Matenrou Opera 21 Awoi 15
  21. Miasma

    Travels a lot?
  22. Miasma

    Keep! The food my relatives bring is to die for. Ferrero Rocher chocolate?
  23. Versailles Matenrou Opera D'espairsRay Deluhi Dir en grey RENTRER EN SOI ギルガメッシュ Deathgaze lynch. NoGoD D
  24. Miasma

    I like the original version's playfulness, so the original version. D made a great cover nonetheless. D -or- Versailles?
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