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Posts posted by Prism

  1. It will be officially. But it's from the radio. Usually new songs are played on the radio as samples of new albums or singles. And it was the one they did it with.

  2. You're welcome, it really is awesome.

    And no, there haven't been any other previews. I doubt they'll add anymore actually. I mean, we've already heard what? About a third of the album already? I don't see any other previews coming. :/

  3. so what is everyone's favorite performance off of the DB DVD.

    Taion is my favorite *O*

    it is just amazing

    ano... did everyone see the preview of BURIAL APPLICANT?


    I had that song stuck in this morning

    (I can't wait for STACKED RUBBISH to come out =D)

    Taion was also playing in my head. because this morning I was proving that Ruki does not scream

    An understanding

    is impossible.

    in Taion at all... I was really dedicated to proving my point yesterday xD

    In case anyone wanted to know Ruki is actually screaming

    How long does it writhe?

    When does it break?

    in Taion [:

    Haha, was that you at jpopmusic? :lol:

    And yeah, I agree with you on Taion. That was easily the best performance. I listened to the radio rip of BURIAL APPLICANT a few times and (aside from the hideous quality) it sounds really awesome. And Ruki's glittery hat makes everything cool. <3

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