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Posts posted by Prism

  1. They are all comedians, who all had an interest in visual kei and stuff, and decided to form a band together. Their music isn't silly or anything though, it's actually really serious sounding and actually pretty awesome. I was quite shocked at first at how good they were actually. I was in love with the song Metronome for ages.

    But anyway, back to Arisu. I'm gonna look for that 3rd part.

  2. but the video its much about jealkb than alice nine!

    want to see them more!

    I'd say it's more about jealkb because it's supposed to be funny. The jealkb guys are all Japanese comedians, you know. :rolleyes: It's natural that they'd focus more on them for the comedy.

    Not that I don't want alice nine. to win. On the contrary, I do. I want to see how jealkb would react to it. :lol:

  3. Yar, you should.

    I wish they'd bring out something new. xD Even though butterfly came out not long ago, but I wanna hear like a mini-album or album of their new kind of stuff. It seems a lot different.

    Or at least update their OHP. >_>

  4. Hmm, me either I never really listened to RENNY AMY before either.

    hurts - ƒVƒƒƒ“ƒoƒ‰

    Well I just found out, yeah it is the same folk. They just changed their names, the band name, and made their look a lot darker. I like that. :lol:

    "Fall to U" - xTRiPx

  5. Probably. All I've seen written is "D&L (ex. Renny Amy)". Like, after seeing it didn't say anyone specifically from the band, I thought "lawl, name change". It apparently stands for Dragon & Lion, rofl. I don't know when they started releasing stuff under this name though. I only have one single, and it came out 4 days ago. -_-

    "Corrupt Children" - D&L

  6. Oh, yeah! I totally forgot about Tsumetai Hana. Yeah, the guitar is awesome in that.

    I actually found another I really like; Koushou. I'm kinda annoyed that they split. Though then there'd be no gossip, lol. I don't know which side I'd take, lol. Visage's or gossip's. I think gossip's stuff is a bit harder though. I think I'd lean more towards them. :/

  7. lol, fair enough. I've been playing that new Tomb Raider recently though, so I've kinda been able to break my FFXII obsession for the moment. xD I'm actually really liking this. I used to love the old games. xD

    "Baniraro Jikku" - Terror Club

    LOVE. <3

  8. I always hear people say that An Cafe was only popular because of Bou

    I think that is actually true, though...

    I'm with you, too. I disliked Bou the most out of everyone. I'm actually glad he's gone. Now maybe the music can be appreciated. :blink:

  9. Ah, yeah they do take a while to get into the main story. xD Especially VIII. The main part of the story doesn't come in until like...the end of it. It's like "Kill the sorceress, 'cause she's all like tarding everyone and shit!" and then once she turns normal again, it's like "Wait...there're 2 more. Let's go free one in space for the hell of it, and go find the other one's time warped castle!" o_O

    "Anticipate" - Visage

  10. You didn't like Newborn? Damn, Sorrow Rain's probably my favourite song, too.

    I hope that Visage song is Anticipate. I LOVE that song.

  11. I can see myself making topics for all my favourite indies bands in the near future. XD I thought I'd start off with gossip. With an -OZ- thread already made, I decided to go for my 2nd fav. indies band. And here it is. So yar.


    Gt: Kaname -> Dr: Masami -> Vo: Hiro -> Ba: Takuya -> Gt: Kousuke

    (I think that's the order anyway.)


    Gossip's music is very similar to Visage's: interesting compositions of heavy rock with a gloomy atmosphere and of course a vocalist with the typical visual kei way of singing.

    The similarity between these two bands is no surprise, considering the fact that the singer and songwriter was once the front man of Visage.

    Gossip is still young and hasn't released much yet, but you should definitely give them a chance because they're bound to get pretty successful in the future.

    From JaME. But I completely disagree with this person about Hiro's vocals being typical. I don't know what whoever the hell typed that up was on at the time, but Hiro has one of the best voices in JRock EVER. He's so easy to distinguish, and so totally deep and haunting, he's amazing. In fact, he's most of the reason why I love them so much.


    Former Visage vocalist Hiro started gossip in March 2005. The original line-up consisted of Kaname (former dystopia) and Kaede (former CalorZe) on guitar, UJ (former Joker) on bass and Masami (former Faust) on drums.

    After a short period of playing secret lives (unannounced, surprise performances at events mostly), they had their first official concert in May, which was followed by more performances.

    Kaede decided to leave the band in June, and joined Vidoll then. He wasn't the only one to leave, as UJ also left the band a few months later.

    Haruka supported the band for a while but then left as well. Near the end of 2005, JJ (former Ichigo) joined as the new guitarist, and Takuya (former Pawn) became the bassist of the band.

    Finally, in April 2006 the band released a mini-album: Obscene. To promote the release, they toured throughout April, playing in livehouses all across the country. The final concert took place in May, which was also their very first one-man.

    Even though they're still a very young band, they seem to have a lot of potential, so be sure to keep an eye on these guys!

    Again, from JaME.


    Anti Multi

    Demo single distribued during live at Takadanobaba AREA.


    01. Anti Multi





    01 an obscene film

    02 frozen darkly

    03 Anti Multi

    04 into disorder

    05 Conservative race

    06 give me...

    07 male chauvinist pig





    01. Planned Plan

    02. Sorrow Rain

    03. Zanen ~After Smoke~


    smell of skin



    01. smell of skin

    02. karenai hana





    01. butterfly

    02. crow



    01. Shinsou


  12. No idea. The only one I know for certain it's coming out on is PS3. That's why I want a PS3. Because the FF's are my favourite games. I think I'd enjoy Versus XIII more though. That dude from the trailer with like the swords that spin about him is such a badass.

    "Hakuchuumu" - xTRiPx

  13. Yeah, well, he said he'd get the 360 next week maybe, when he like, goes to London for a couple of weeks or something. I'll admit though, I've been wanting to play Dead Rising for a while. xD I'll be kicking myself though when the FFXIII's come out, though. >_>

    lol, don't you like Into? It's pretty funky. xD

    "BREACH." - xTRiPx

  14. Yeah, his hair really is awesome. And the blood-stained doctor's coat. <3 Cool stuff.

    *realizes it's the -OZ- thread*

  15. lol, well I'm a lazy person. I think I'd choose the PS3. The Wii looks fun and all, but I'd rather sit down and play something rather than like...swing my arms about the place. xD So I've seen anyway.

    Oh, hm. 4 tracks? I have the 4 from Genjitsu Fukanshou, but yeah, I think I am missing those 2 from Seishin Chintsuuzai.

    "Fall To U" - xTRiPx

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