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Everything posted by Lily

  1. Lily

    Thank you! You can request if you want!
  2. Lily

    They had some concerts after Kazuki's death in 2001. But they said that without Kazuki Raphael can't exist... So I don't know.
  3. Lily

    Some days ago my Japanese friends sent me a link: http://www.raphael.jp/ It's a counter and the last day is Kazuki's birthday (7th April). I don't know what does it mean, but it's very interesting... After La'Mule and X-Japan they'll come back too???
  4. Lily

  5. Lily

    Thank you! I made everything. My hair accessory too.
  6. Lily

    Dog in the PWO walls. Enjoy them! :
  7. Lily

    New look!! I have new hair and costume. Of course i designed and sewed it. It's a bit oldschool, a bit like Kiryu, so it's like me!
  8. Lily

    Yes, of course. I try to make tomorrow.
  9. Lily

    I thought they disbanded in 2003 and I was very happy when I heard about their comeback. Now, i feel so sad. They were one of my biggest favorites.
  10. Lily

    You're welcome! Next time i hope i will find more pics. ^^
  11. Lily

    You're welcome. It's very hard to find pics about new looks or new bands. Maybe they'll appear in magazines and I can make more wall.
  12. Lily

    I made your requested walls. Enjoy them! @Kaito-sama I found only two pic about "circus" look of Mix Speaker's. It was their latest outfit, right? But I have many many pics about their older looks. If you want I'll make more. Mix Speaker's Inc. @Meku They're very new, I found only a few pics. But i could use them! Galeyd:
  13. Lily

    @ Kaito-sama: I try to make one today. I have somewhere photoshoot pics about Seek. @Meku I found their blog on Ameba, but the members haven't own blog? I try to find pics about them and I'll make one for you.
  14. My sister said this too... But it would be terrible!
  15. I love My Dragon too... Some months ago they said that My Dragon will come back after they finished their current works. But since August they didn't wrote anything into My Dragon blog... And yesterday Takemasa wrote a serious blog entry again... He wrote that there is a serious problem, but he can't say more. We must go to their live on 2nd March and they'll announce that. Sound bad...
  16. Lily

    Thank you for your help!
  17. Lily

    You're welcome!
  18. Lily

    Someone knows any websites where I can order our ticket to Vienna?
  19. Lily

    You're welcome! I made another Mejibray: And here is Kagrra:
  20. Yeah, you're right, but I'm afraid...
  21. Lily

    Thank you!
  22. Lily

    Thank you! Do you know anything about tickets?
  23. That could be possible, but normally you do not see bands announcing a disbandment at a start of a tour. I am also just trying to think positively in light of all the disbandments that happened already this year. I think that means nothing. They wrote in their blog that everyone must go tot their concert on 2nd March, because they want to tell something for everyone face-to-face. It can be a disbandment or a major debut. Nothing else...
  24. Lily

    I made a Mejibray wall, I'll make some tomorrow.
  25. Lily

    Okay. I think I have some pics about this look. This is my favorite look too.
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