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Peace Heavy mk II

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Everything posted by Peace Heavy mk II

  1. Peace Heavy mk II

    Flat earthers take over vkei
  2. How unexpected, but interesting nonetheless
  3. Peace Heavy mk II

    Yikes, La’Cryma are lesbians now
  4. Peace Heavy mk II

    There should be at least two singles floating around as well
  5. Peace Heavy mk II

    Because typically albums are released bi-annually or later to give the artist time to tour, promote, and namely rest at the end of each cycle. Announcing it this soon means it's been in the pipeline since before the last album dropped, which only leads me to believe they already have several other singles lined up for right after this one comes out. --- There's a difference between working hard and being worked to the bone. I get that they've been at the top of the indies scene for a few years now and that that has to be capitalized on before fans get bored, but at some point there will be burn out. I like their music, but I dislike the circumstances they're put through to produce it.
  6. Peace Heavy mk II

    Did they just release an album like a month ago
  7. Peace Heavy mk II

    Totally missed this, so half of my 2019 prediction already came true
  8. Peace Heavy mk II

    What the fuck, fam
  9. Based on their #aesthetic and the general theme of this band, I think "Let's Sing a Song" is most likely taken from DEZERT lyrics lol
  10. Nice! I've enjoyed this project.
  11. Peace Heavy mk II

    The Thirteen (although they are mixed with another artist) Femme Fatale Gosan 0.1g (only 1 single, romaji only)
  12. Peace Heavy mk II

    Their blog post with this info also says that this is being released under a label called "N.D.G." Is this another -AINS- sub-label?
  13. Peace Heavy mk II

    Do NOT
  14. Peace Heavy mk II

    -Yuuga randomly comes back for a weird, inaccessible and time-limited, escapade -Someone who doesn't really have a following decides they should go solo -Starwave further extends their reach by signing visual-adjacent / not really visual acts while slowly killing off their current lineups -Poidol does well but people still forget about them -New Zombi album -More in-fighting with Jupiter, but they still drop a big release regardless -Riku tries again (Chariots revival? Solo act? New "violent art project?" Who knows!!!) -Menhera catches the attention of Twitter and I have to sift through a bunch of hot takes about it -R-shitei release their 2nd good song -Mamireta breakup before November -In spite of how "ground breaking" and "innovate" diru-adjacent sweethearts Kizu and Dimlim seem on this board, they never break 10k sales -D'erlanger have the seal on their crypt broken again -A new oyaji band forms and no one is impressed (think Nil under rain or Trick) -Noah (ex-Avanchick) returns to the visual scene after realizing he really isn't all that -What's his face from Bataar takes my bait on facebook and accosts me again -More bands start embracing digital streaming services and stop relying on the same 10 girls to buy all their merch to stay afloat -A new Lynch. album that doesn't stray far from Gallows -Some bizarre Drag Race x Visual-kei crossover -Someone from Kuroyuri to Kage makes a comeback, but everyone complains that it was the wrong member to do so -GLK Records bands continue to be a hot mess -Frantic Emiry release a new single or mini-album -PSC closes or turns into something unrelated to vkei. -Kra goes missing
  15. Peace Heavy mk II

    Charisma.com do not need this reductive jab
  16. Peace Heavy mk II

  17. Peace Heavy mk II

    The bunnygirl piss ŚĨŁѴĔŘ БĚĂŠŦ Merry badend L-The World
  18. Peace Heavy mk II

    Alternative: hide profits because taxes are optional, sell physical copies of selfies, befriend every other label-head so your groups are a special guest at every big event, write 4~6 songs with the intention of having your signed bands use them and then modify the melodies slightly for each ghost-written instance, have every band signed to you appear in every vkei publication, then get caught in a sex scandal and hope you're picked up by a reality TV outlet once you're done getting meToo'd. #matina101
  19. Peace Heavy mk II

    Not a huge fan of that Scandinavian trend of tying rubber bands around your jeans. Just doesn't make sense to me
  20. Peace Heavy mk II

    $12,000 ~ $18,000 seems like a reasonable assumption, plus there may be additional fees for hosting shows (idk if this is different if you're invited to play at a venue), having your CDs distributed, instrument repair, and actual travel costs of touring (hotel, food, gas, public transit, and damage that ensue as a result of moving heavy instruments around). I've read that some labels and venue owners do "favors" for small and up-and-coming bands and cover a lot of fees, but as a result they have to perform at their specific live-house or repay their debts + interest (I think this was covered in ~that article~ about the vkei industry). That also explains why a lot of bands always perform in the city they formed in, unless they completely relocate (e.g. Sui moving to Tokyo to perform as David).
  21. Peace Heavy mk II

    visual kei is finally saved
  22. It's a Litchi Hikari Club cover, but 2.33333 x longer
  23. Yikes did I hate typography
  24. If only he went blonde for some Yohio shade
  25. Peace Heavy mk II

    this is what actual texans are afraid of
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