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Peace Heavy mk II

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Everything posted by Peace Heavy mk II

  1. Peace Heavy mk II

    you get the privilege of listening to hisame again
  2. more songs about poop smh
  3. Peace Heavy mk II

    Ali Project looks good
  4. Peace Heavy mk II

    Well, since he either quits or has everyone quit on him, I guess a solo career is the best option 😄
  5. Peace Heavy mk II

  6. Peace Heavy mk II

    IN SANCTUARY: 君の愛を僕におくれ 肌従しょう こうべ垂れよう 鳴り響くヒールはまるで 脊髄をそっとなぞる痺れアノマリー 僕のエナメルの女王は 僕を見下げ はしゃぐ 蝶のタトゥーが笑う 尊厳も捨てて慣れ果てる僕は家畜 全てを さらけ出そう 貴女に捧げましょうこの身を 僕を砕くんだ 滲む絶頂の快感 僕のエナメルの女王は 僕を見下げ はしゃぐ 蝶のタトゥーが笑う 尊厳も捨てて慣れ果てる僕は家畜 全てを さらけ出そう 貴女に捧げましょう 綺麗に付いた筋をなぞり 微笑んでくれてる君の笑顔に 捧げたんだ何もかも。
  7. Peace Heavy mk II

    They played 4 of their 5 good songs
  8. Peace Heavy mk II

    It is Good Friday indeed
  9. Peace Heavy mk II

    Yasashiku Koroshite: 薄暗く照らされた小部屋 私の身体縛った 貴方の湿った指先 一夜を染めて 愛情は歪んでいて きっと私の皮膚に棘 剌すの 優しく殺してよ 淡い色の唇が囁く 軋む腕輪に響く嬌声が重なって そっと白い首に貴方が爪 立てて これで朽ち逝きたい 締まる喉輪 泡立ち 彩って 薄暗く照らされた小部屋 私の身体縛った 貴方の湿った指先 一夜を染めて ”どうか この月に抱かれそっと泣きたい” 愚かな夢に 染まる肌色も満ち次ける 深く突き入れた蛇は毒を注ぎ 肉を溶かして私の中で蜷局を巻く そっと白い肌を優しく指で裂く その柔らかさに黒い痣が浮き立つ 想いのままに跪かせて 這いつくばらせた君の姿に 背筋が震えた このまま次へと行こう さあ踊れ
  10. La’veil and Crucifixion have announced on Twitter that they will be releasing two new live-distributed singles in May. Both singles will contain two songs and cost 1,000 yen. 暁鴉 (Gyoua) will be sold in Tokyo on May 11th, and 蛇影 (Hebi Kage?) will be sold on May 26th in Osaka. (Are these Naruto references?)
  11. Peace Heavy mk II

    Only took them like 8 years to finally release a good album
  12. Peace Heavy mk II

    I guess this explains why their last single had an “English (?)” version of “SENKOU” on it
  13. Peace Heavy mk II

    Just make an onlyfans if you want to be an exhibitionist
  14. Peace Heavy mk II

    Someone go and tell him to release his fucking album already
  15. "いつもGE+IMを応援して頂き、ありがとうございます。 GE+IMと事務所との度重なる話し合いの結果、契約終了の運びとなりました。それに伴い、現在発表されておりますライブスケジュールは全てキャンセルとなりました。 皆様に多大なご迷惑をおかけしてしまったことを深くお詫び申し上げます。 今後、体制を立て直し活動を再開いたいしますの発表を今しばらくお待ちくださいませ。" Roughly: "Thank you for always supporting GE+IM. As a result of repeated discussions between GE+IM and our management, our contrast has ended. Along with that, all of our scheduled lives are also canceled. We deeply apologize for the inconvenience we've caused everyone. Please wait while we work to rebuild and announce a restart to our activities in the future." No idea what happened, but apparently they got the boot from MST (or maybe MST got the boot from them?). It's weird that you end up in the hospital, and then your label fires you...
  16. Peace Heavy mk II

    Ra'jah is my least fav contestant this season, which Scarlet's elimination had no bearing on. In general, she just seems to spit out recycled catch phrases, gives angry DrAmA ConFeSsIoNaLs about shit I don't care about (and clearly no one else does either, because it never goes further than that), and now is trying to start calling out people on Twitter to boost Engagement🌐™ Also, Vanjie is clearly just cruising at this point. That gold bunny look was fucking l a m e.
  17. Peace Heavy mk II

    Did they delve into Kanadajin and her enlightened ex-vkei-fan-turned-saudi-house-wife hot takes on women's issues
  18. Peace Heavy mk II

  19. Peace Heavy mk II

    They will also hold their presents live "[ 6 6 6 ]" at Meguro Rockmaykan on June 6th
  20. Is the 0th album all of their live distros? I guess it's nice of them to put them together in one spot
  21. Peace Heavy mk II

    Why do they look like your dead beat neighbor stumbled into a vkei photo shoot
  22. Peace Heavy mk II

    "Puzzle" is great, as is their first mini-album "LOVE SONG." They changed their vocalist after Puzzle and became less 90s goth at that point and more pop-rock, but both eras have standouts. Choose your romantic adventure
  23. Peace Heavy mk II

    My guess that most of their stuff is not available for streaming is because of the French Jupiter. It's like they didn't learn to look up if their band name was already taken and what could possibly go wrong with not doing that...
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